1. Program 2. Team building 3. Mentor Activity 시간 내용 12:30~13:00 30min Our contest provides an opportunity to interact between participants who are home and abroad international students, University(graduate) students and prep entrepreneur(founder) by discussing about improvement of technology related to social issues and resolving the problems. 시간 내용 12:30~13:00 30min Admission and registration of participants 13:00~13:30 Opening Ceremony & brief event notification 13:30~14:30 60min Team building 14:30~17:30 180min Team Project 17:30~18:30 Dinner 18:30~19:50 80min 19:50~20:30 40min Presentations and evaluation 20:30~21:00 Award & Closing Ceremony ※ Times may differ while processing the event 2. Team building 1) Rule is that single team is made up with 5 to 8 members only. 2) In case building teams do not go smoothly, host organizations and management agencies will intervene and may form teams compulssively 3) When forming a team, there is no limit or condition of team member's gender and major 4) If team is built prior to the event may start and proceed with team project (Even when Team Building is on process, the team is not limited to original schedule) 3. Mentor Activity 1) When: 2017 October 14(Sat) 14:30 ~ 17:30 (3 hours) 2) Participants: 5 Mentors (Product Manager / Programmer) 3) How: 1 Team with 1 Product Manager, Designer and Developer
4. Main Presentation 5. inquiry 6. Wi-Fi Information 1) When: 14th October 2017 (Sat) 19:50 ~ 20:30 2) Info: - Presentation order will be decided randomly by event host (Please prepare in advance to present your presentation) - 3 minutes for presentation time and 2 minutes for QA will be provided(QA: Question and Answer) 3) Evaluation: 4) How judges scores are calculated: Highest and Lowest scores will be excluded from calculating average scores 5) Judging scores will not be provided under NIPA(National IT industry Promotion Agency) evaluation rules 5. inquiry Application form : www.hyideathon.com inquiry : Tel. 02-6925-1240 / e-mail. support@koreajobfair.com 6. Wi-Fi Information - ID : hyideathon, PW : 12345678