Background, objectives, environment Learners are 4th graders 20 students 5 students have personal cell phones or iPods Station of 5 desktop computers, desks grouped in sets of 5 islands Objectives: Given a phone with a camera students will identify the camera icon out of the group of icons for apps. Given a phone with a camera students will take/capture 3 clear pictures of areas around the school.
These are some common icons for camera apps: Say: To use the camera on a phone, first you need to get to the camera app! These are some common icons for camera apps:
Explain that/how the video icon is different from the camera icon Make sure to point out what icons are not camera app icons, such as these Explain that/how the video icon is different from the camera icon
Say: these are the parts of a camera that are usually on a camera icon Shutters, picture of a “real” camera, circular lens
Can you find the camera icon?
Can you find the camera icon? Yes! That is the camera icon, notice the shutters around the lens?
Can you find the camera icon? No, but remember the parts to look for on the icon?
Say: Now, to take a picture you have to click on the icon, then wait until you see through the camera Show video (link) of your own phone camera in use (video yourself opening camera app, and waiting to see through the camera)
Bring in old phones with camera apps, have students practice Have all students take turns with old phones, or use their own beware of off-task behavior! Take pictures of the same place/item as practice Turn off the lights, have students observe what this does to picture-taking Show the rest of the video of your own phone being changed to flash (fit the lighting) Walk students through the flash-settings to fit the lighting Have students practice with flash
Say: OK, now we will go outside and around inside the school to take 5 pictures. Go with class, make sure students all get a turn Have students send the 5 pictures in email to you for evaluation
Say: Alright! Now everyone should have gotten a chance to use a camera phone and knows how to use it! Review the steps: identify icon, click on it, take the picture using best lighting