Warm Up You will be given 5 minutes to answer the following. Consult your class notes and or textbook if you must. Do you think one side entered the war with more of an advantage than the other? Why or why not. Be sure to include at least 2 examples to support your argument. ----- Meeting Notes (11/16/15 10:36) ----- After eliciting answers- Point out charts in the back.
Academic Vocabulary Word of the Day! Civil- What does this word mean Use this word in a sentence ----- Meeting Notes (11/16/15 10:36) ----- What is the difference between academic vocabulary and content vocabulary? How does today's word speak to both?
Administrative Items 1. Current Events due next Monday 11/21.
Today’s Objective- SWBAT understand what the emotions of war were like for the soldiers of the North and South. ----- Meeting Notes (11/16/15 10:36) ----- *Please remember to record anything that is in red.
The Civil War was more than a war between the states The Civil War was more than a war between the states. It turned brother against brother, and neighbor against neighbor. Supporting Examples: 1. Kentucky Senator John Crittenden had two sons who became generals. One fought for the Confederacy, the other for the Union. 2. President Lincoln’s wife, Mary Todd Lincoln, had relatives in the Confederate Army. ----- Meeting Notes (11/16/15 10:36) ----- Notice How I gave a main idea, and 2 pieces of EVIDENCE or DETAILS to support my main idea.
IDENTIFYING POINT OF VIEW How do you think a Southern family may have felt about one of their members enlisting in the Union Army? How do you think a Northern family may have felt about one of their members enlisting in the Confederate Army? (Turn and talk to discuss)
Men of all ages rushed to enlist in the Union or Confederate army Men of all ages rushed to enlist in the Union or Confederate army. Can anyone use context clues to help define the word enlist? Some of the soldiers who enlisted during the Civil War were not much older than you and your classmates are. What reasons do you think people today enlist in the armed forces? (Turn and talk to discuss)
Some did so out of patriotism, desire for excitement, training and educational opportunities, some joined because they did not want to be called cowards if they did not serve. Do you think one should be considered a coward if they didn’t pick a side and fight? Why or why not?
Though the average Civil War solider was in his mid 20’s, many recruits on both sides were hardly adults. Tens of thousands of soldiers were under 18. Some were younger than 14. Imagine at your age now you joined the war. Think about the mental toll that might have on you to see such horrors at such a young age. What emotions might that evoke? (Turn and talk)
Guided Reading As a class, we will popcorn read a textbook passage titled, “Who Were the Soldiers? /A Soldiers Life” on page 456 We will stop at various points and break down the text. Upon completion of the reading, we will answer the following comprehension questions: 1.What is the main idea of this passage? 2.What was “camp life” like for soldiers? 3. How would you react to the conditions laid out in this reading?
Independent Practice Independently read a passage titled, “The Horrors of War” on page 457 Write a letter home from the point of view of a solider from either side during the Civil War citing evidence from the text. The letter should include Which side of the war you are fighting for and 2 reasons as to why. 2 hardships you are facing during the war (Reasons as to why camp life was difficult 1 emotion you are feeling and why
Group Work You will receive an info graphic titled “A Solders Pay” (Page 456), and be asked to create a venn diagram comparing wars and answer comprehension questions. Group 1- Civil War and World War 2 Group 2- Civil War and Vietnam War Group 3- Civil War and Iraq War Questions to answer: What happens to a soldiers pay as he moves up the ranks? Why might Union Recruiters put up posters offering a sign up bonus? Name some items you could buy today with a Civil War private monthly salary.
Closure How did the expectations of the war compare with the reality for both sides?
Homework In a 5-7 sentence paragraph, explain what life was like for soilders during the Civil War.