Integrated Supports Star
Integrating Services and Supports 75% People with I/DD not receiving formal DD services 25% People with I/DD receiving formal DD services 100% People with I/DD receiving integrated services and supports
LifeCourse Integrated Supports STAR resources, skills, abilities characteristics i-pad/smart phone apps, remote monitoring, cognitive accessibility, Adaptive equipment family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, church members, community members Integrated Supports school, businesses, church faith based, parks & rec, public transportation SHS services, Special Ed, Medicaid, Voc Rehab, Food Stamps, Section 8 R
LifeCourse Integrated STAR: Exploration & Discovery (Mapping)
Elizabeth’s Integrated Star: Mapping Supports
Outgoing personality, friendly, Eagle Scout, Ben’s Integrated Supports Outgoing personality, friendly, Eagle Scout, can ride city bus Dad, Mom, Matt, Zac, Ali, Chad, Ericka, Sheli, Firemen friends, Ange, Pam, Wally, Josh B., Matt S., Mike, Nick, Scouting friends I-pad, apps, Facebook, Facetime, Digital watch, Vibrating toothbrush, Glasses Ben’s Omni bus, Walmart, 24 Hour Fitness, library, Price Chopper, Dr. T., St. Ann’s church, ES Fire Dept, joint bank account, direct deposit, Power of attorney PCA –DDD, self- directed supports Social Security, Medicaid, Special Needs Trust
Shaylee’s Integrated Services and Supports ID tag/jewelry Cell phone alarm clock microwave Timer computer kindle or I-pad daily schedule curious, sense of humor, friendly, loyal, ability to focus, organized, stands firm in her beliefs, compassionate Family, Support group families, neighbors, 4-H club members, Advocates, Librarian, Pastor, Sunday School Teacher and Youth Leaders, Pharmacist, Doctor and Nursing staff, Homeschool families, bowling league members and owners of the lane. Shaylee’s Integrated Services and Supports service coordinators, insurance coverage, diagnosis and testing, age, location, living arrangements, therapies, income/SSI benefits or other financial aid, doctors, nursing, and specialists working as a team WITH her Church/Sunday School/Youth Group, Parks and Recreation, YMCA, Bank, Library, Grocery Store, Pharmacy, Doctor Office, Taxi, Bus or Oats Transportation, Support and Advocate Organizations, Homeschool Support Groups
Integrated Services and Supports DARCIE’S Tablet Laptop Smart phone apps Chrome Book – school Microwave Popcorn TV/DVD Friendly Outgoing Compassionate Loving Sassy Family CYT Friends, church friends, school friends, Teachers at school and church Family friends Helping Friend STARS Friends Darcie’s Integrated Services and Supports Grocery stores, clothing stores, thrift stores, etc Christian Youth Theater Church Down Syndrome Guild of Greater KC School Down Syndrome Clinic Special Olympics Insurance
Izaac’s Integrated Services and Supports Kindle Wii X-box You tube Scooter Vent/trach Life Support Equipment Extremely outgoing, funny, natural leader, cute, thick-skinned, nonchalant, Family, neighbors, school friends, nurses, church, cheer, tae kwon do, dog Athlete’s Plus Cheer Tai Kwon Do McAllister’s family night Church School Service Coordination Nursing Adaptive Equipment Medical Supplies Insurance Izaac’s Integrated Services and Supports
LifeCourse Integrated STAR: Problem Solving
Eric’s Focus on Social and Spiritual Happy, Funny and loving Likes to help people Likes to try new things Police cars, tow trucks, fire engines and racecars Golf Cart See his girlfriend more Connect with his family Spend more time with friends Companion Supports day-to-day Scouts Red Robin Race Tracks I-pad Smart Phone
Domain Specific Safety and Security: Focusing on Supports Beyond Legal Guardianship
Daily Life: Focus on Employment Domain Specific Daily Life: Focus on Employment
The Arc StL Problem Solving for Info and referral
LifeCourse Integrated STAR: Support & Service Planning
Peyton’s Integrated Supports
Ben’s Integrated Supports and Services
LifeCourse Integrated STAR: Life Activities
Can stay home alone for up to one hour Ben’s Life Activities Can stay home alone for up to one hour I-pad to watch WWE network and music videos; facebook Mom, Dad, Matt, Zac & Ali; firemen friends; Nick, Spohn, Mike, Ange, Chad, Ericka & twins Ben’s Life Activities Fire Station, Wal-Mart, movies, bowling, Sonic, Price Chopper, Church, High School, IHD Paid staff thru SD waiver help with activities, ADL’s & access community; therapeutic riding
Daily Routine Morning or Evening Activity 7: Integrated Supports Star large group discussion: Flip chart or poster board – draw star Ask participants to call out the things they use to get through their day. IE: what types of supports do you use to get through your morning routine or evening routine? (5 minutes) Record the things used to accomplish the routine on the flip chart or poster board as they call it out IE: alarm clock =technology, Starbucks = community, meal with family = relationships, school buss – community, carpool – relationships, morning person: personal strength, etc. Facilitate large group discussion, lead, nudge or pull them to the realization that we all use integrated supports every day?
Problem Solving: Life Domain Activity 8: Integrated Supports Star table activity: large star work sheet titled Problem Solving by Life Domain Scenario (15 minutes) Assign each table one of three separate scenarios: Making friends Learning to cook Getting first job Discuss the supports a person with SHCN could use to accomplish the task One person record ideas on large star worksheet Large group follow up – facilitate discussion What types of things did you come up with? Were there any innovative supports mentioned at your table?
Problem Solving: Specific Issue Activity 8: Integrated Supports Star table activity: large star work sheet titled Problem Solving by Life Domain Scenario (15 minutes) Assign each table one of three separate scenarios: Making friends Learning to cook Getting first job Discuss the supports a person with SHCN could use to accomplish the task One person record ideas on large star worksheet Large group follow up – facilitate discussion What types of things did you come up with? Were there any innovative supports mentioned at your table?