Classroom Jobs for “Big Kids” These “big kid” jobs give older elementary, middle school, and even high school more responsibility while building classroom morale and relationships. INSTRUCTIONS: print these job cards on cardstock, cut out, and laminate so they can be used each year. Created by: MamaBearWilkins
Classroom Jobs
Librarian Errand Runner Recess Manger Folder Stuffer I am responsible for making sure the library is neat and clean. I am responsible for running things or people to different destinations for Mrs. Wilkins. Recess Manger Folder Stuffer I am responsible for carrying the ball basket out to recess and back in to the classroom from recess. I am responsible for stuffing daily folders.
Pencil Sharpener Clean Up Crew Board Cleaner Supplies Managers I am responsible for making sure all pencils are collected at the end of the day and sharpened as well as sharpen pencils in the dull pencils container. We are responsible for hand sanitizer before lunch, sweeping up trash, sanitizing desks at the end of the day, and helping peers keep their area clean. Supplies Managers Board Cleaner We are responsible for passing out classroom supplies when needed. I am responsible for cleaning the board.
Technology Guru Bathroom Monitor I am responsible for making sure all technology is accounted for and charging, and making sure that computer area is neat and clean. We are responsible for making sure the bathroom is clean after our class has their bathroom breaks. Leader of the Pack Homework Monitor I am responsible for being the example of how our line should walk down the sidewalk. I am responsible for collecting homework and putting them in number order.
I am responsible for holding the door to let the class pass through. Teacher Assistant Electrician I am responsible for passing out papers and retrieving supplies when needed. I am responsible for turning on and off lights when needed, including classroom lamps at the beginning and end of the day. First Aide Assistant Door Holder I am responsible for taking students to the nurse when needed or getting a Band-Aid for a student that needs one. I am responsible for holding the door to let the class pass through.
I am responsible for watering the classroom plants. Secretaries Substitute We are responsible for sorting papers by assignment at the end of the day and putting them in number order. I am responsible for collecting absent student work and placing it in the absent folder. I am also responsible for filling in if a student is absent. News Reporter Botanist I am responsible for reporting classroom news during morning meeting and completing the weekly classroom newspaper. I am responsible for watering the classroom plants.
Extra Extra Extra Extra I am responsible for I am responsible for
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