Knightstown Athletics 17-18 Season Expectations: For the Program
17-18 Head Coaches Football – Kevin Miller Cross Country/Girls Track – Jordan Chew Boys Soccer – Adam Lykens B Golf/Girls Soccer/Boys Bball – Dusty Magee Volleyball – Shanna Smucker Baseball/G Golf – Daren Hardesty B Tennis – Steve Dalton G Tennis – Jack Potter Cheer – Haley Morgan Wrestling/B Track – Jared Evans Softball – Bret Mann Girls Basketball – Charity Smucker
What we will discuss Expectations of the Athletic Director Expectations of the Coaching Staff Expectations of Parents Lines of Communication Expectations of Student-Athletes Break off into your sports meeting Please make sure to sign the agreement form before you leave!
New Parent Form Adjusted the Parent Form from last year Must have a signed form before the student-athlete’s first contest JH AND HS
New Items No outside food or beverages at home events Uniforms Football (Home and Away) Boys and Girls Soccer (Home and Away) Boys Basketball (Home) Baseball Softball / VNN Alerts Twitter / Facebook IHSAA Sportsmanship Rating – 112/Excellent Up from 105 last year
Other New Items JH Tennis, Baseball, Softball – School Sports Physicals Make sure correct form Baseball Field Construction Will help softball facility as well Gym Floor Construction New yard markers/pylons New Golf Bags last year New mini-goals/corner flags for soccer Usual supplies for all sports
Sponsorships Any business interested in an advertisement in the program, please see me!
Athletic Director Athletic Director: Matt Martin Coached: Basketball, Baseball Played: Baseball, Basketball, Cross Country IHSAA Official Parent of a 8 year old and 11 month old Office Phone – 345-5155 Email –
Expectations of Athletic Director Provide Guidance and Direction for Programs Try and make KHS/KIS as successful as it can Lead Seasonal Coaches Meetings Meet with ALL coaches before their season Evaluate the Coaching Staff of every sport End of the year evaluations on all coaches Order any and all supplies needed to succeed Keep our student-athletes up to date with supplies
Expectations for Athletic Director Keep all student-athletes safe Make certain decisions regarding their safety Schedule games/practices in a timely manner Late additions/cancelations might happen Make sure all contests have officials Use tournament certified officials when possible Make sure all contests go off “with little hiccups as possible” Prepare all contests ahead of time
Expectations of Athletic Director Mediate the resolution of problems Make the best decision possible Supervise most home contests Be visible at contests Provide a channel for student-athlete concerns Open ear for the student-athletes Administer school policies in a fair manner Attend monthly Athletic Director’s Meetings
Expectations of Coaches COACHING SKILLS Teaches fundamentals Promotes physical conditioning Teaches specific safety procedures for activity Prepares team for contest Maintains discipline Knows and abides by rules of activity Develops team unity Encourages appropriate traits of citizenship by being a positive role model; provides positive leadership for students/staff
Expectations of Coaches ORGANIZATIONAL SKILLS Care of equipment and facilities Team supervision — home and away Appropriate time committed to program Organizes effective practice sessions Promotes participation of all team members This does NOT mean all players will play all games
Expectations of Coaches PROFESSIONAL RELATIONS Communicates with fellow coaches Cooperates with Athletic Director and Administrators Attends clinics and other professional meetings Cooperates with media and responds to reasonable requests Holds meetings when appropriate with parents and athletes prior to first contest to establish positive communication Maintains professional relations with players Maintains professional relationships with officials
Expectations of Coaches PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS Is enthusiastic and self-motivated Exercises fairness in dealing with players Is punctual Maintains poise and composure during practice Maintains poise and composure during games Appropriate appearance/dress
Expectations of Parents Support your student-athlete's efforts to success. Work to promote a positive environment that is conducive to the development of your student-athlete. Treat all coaching personnel with courtesy and respect. Assure that your student-athlete will attend all scheduled practices and athletic contests. Promote and model mature and sportsmanlike behavior at all athletic contests.
Expectations of Parents Communication a parent/guardian should expect from a coach: The expectations the coach has for your child as well as the players on the team. Locations and times of all practices and games. Team requirements. Discipline that may result in the denial of your child's participation.
Expectations of Parents Appropriate concerns to discuss with coaches: Situations involving your child. Ways to help your child improve. Your child's attitude, work ethic, and eligibility. Concerns about your child's behavior
Expectations of Parents Issues that are not appropriate to discuss with coaches or AD: Playing time of any student-athlete Team strategy, practice organization, or play calling. Other student-athletes
Lines of Communication Procedures to follow if there is a concern to discuss with a coach: Your child should speak to the coach about an issue, before you intervene. This will help our Student-Athletes grow into young adults. Contact the coach to set up an appointment. If the coach can not be reached, contact the athletic director. They will assist you in arranging a meeting. If a meeting with the coach did not provide a satisfactory resolution, call to schedule an appointment with the athletic director to discuss the situation. The AD will only intervene if the issue has already been discussed with the coach. Please do not confront a coach before or after a game or practice. Meeting of this nature normally do not assist in creating a resolution to the situation.
Expectations of Student-Athletes Acknowledge that playing on a team is an honor and a privilege, not a right. Attend EVERY scheduled practice, scrimmage, game, and all other team related activities. Respect all coaches, officials, teachers, peers, and teammates. Be supportive and encouraging to the team Represent KHS/KIS will class and courtesy
Expectations of Student-Athletes If absent, it is the student-athletes responsibility to contact their coach PRIOR to practice. To promote the development of self-discipline and high academic standards. Athletes who are injured are still required to be present at all team activities. Develop a team attitude.
Expectations of Student-Athletes Being coachable and open to constructive feedback. Play by the rules Allow coaches to coach. Play hard and be a contributor to your team. Abide by all KHS/KIS Student Handbook policies – new juvenile form Random Drug Testing
Any Questions/Comments/Concerns? Girls Golf – Hardesty’s Room Volleyball – Smucker’s Room Football – Miller’s Room Girls Soccer – Media Center Boys Soccer – Gym Cross Country – Chew’s Room Cheerleading – Front Conference Room Boys Tennis – Guidance Conference Room Make sure to sign the Parent form before you leave