Instructions for developing this PowerPoint presentation.
Earle C. Clements Job Corps Academy President- JeQuinte Page Vice President- Reann Gibbons Secretary-Demetria Williams Treasurer- Kareem Baptiste Chief Justice- Tra-Ron Williams Historian- Jade Walker Earle C. Clements Job Corps Academy Introducing your center and team.
Our concern is that there is no official way that we keep in contact with our Alumni . Express your concern in a clear statement.
Our challenge is to implement student interactions between new students and those who have completed Earle C. Clements Job Corps Academy. Reword your concern as a challenge or goal, and why this is important to accomplish.
TASK DUE DATE S.G.A May 14th, 2015 May 18th, 2015 June 1st, 2015 PERSON RESPONSIBLE DUE DATE Get approval from Center Director S.G.A May 14th, 2015 Talk to the M.I.S (Management Information System) department. May 18th, 2015 Gather information from students and staff that may want to participate. June 1st, 2015 List your solutions here. What is the task, who is responsible to fulfill this task and what is the due date for completion of the task. Use additional pages if needed to include all tasks and/or persons responsible.
Have a follow up meeting with M.I.S. S.G.A July 20th, 2015 TASK PERSON RESPONSIBLE DUE DATE Have a follow up meeting with M.I.S. S.G.A July 20th, 2015 Email former students about the Alumni Website. August 3rd, 2015 Announce to our student body that our website is available. S.G.A President August 2015 List your solutions here. What is the task, who is responsible to fulfill this task and what is the due date for completion of the task.
We have set a goal to have a certain amount of students actively supporting our webpage. We will know that we have accomplished our goal when the Earle C. Clements Job Corps Academy’s Alumni Webpage reaches 300 members by December 2015. Restate your concern here and how you know you have accomplished the challenge/goal you presented at the beginning.
Thank You. Restate your concern here and how you know you have accomplished the challenge/goal you presented at the beginning.