Samen Oud Old Together Bira grandi huntu Sint Eustatius, Saba, Sint Maarten, Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao 25-30 May
Which foundations participate?
A three year elderly-program with as aim that What is Old Together? A three year elderly-program with as aim that elderly people can continue to live in their own neighborhoods in a healthy, safe and pleasant way. Growing old together!
Why and who? Why? Who? (target groups) wish to live at home independently fight loneliness Who? (target groups) independently living and frail elderly (60+) people who are committed to support the elderly
Aims of the program nice activities expanding social contacts and network in the neighborhood, causing lethus fighting loneliness creating conditions for becoming old in a safe, healthy and enjoyable way, allowing elderly to longer live independently
Which initiatives activity programs: accessible + neighborhood bound repeated encounter contribute to a longer independent living of elderly result in more contacts in the neighborhood + less loneliness
Examples exercise-programs collective cooking and (healthy) eating games, crafts, artistry, trips Home visits : chores , small adjustments in house, gardening, reading, helping with administration, shopping, eating together, etc. information/education (eg health, prevention of falling)
Program? More than money! 3-year program (request for 1 year also possible) getting to know each other learn from each other and inspire each other so…. access to money, knowledge and contacts cooperation monitoring and annual evaluation booklet or film with best practices
Criteria (see also seperate document) commitment, desire and interest elderly accessible, inviting + neighborhood level of all participants at least 50% elderly (60+) repeated encounter involvement of volunteers (recruiting, training) cooperation is a plus attention to recruitment of volunteers and elderly support in your organization and neighborhood independent board ratio costs – benefit
minimal two years experience Which organizations? minimal two years experience Young, starting organizations (small scale projects with limited budget) from culture, sport, youth sectors provided that cooperation takes place with a care facility professional (care) institution with new neighborhood projects
What do the Cooperating Foundations finance? activities and materials staffing (incl. training) limited expenses of volunteers information activities limited PR-costs no regular operational costs basically no renovations between € 3.000 and approx. € 30.000 per year
Program team Local advisor or advisory board on your island Cooperating Foundations
Procedure application form Old Together ( review local advisor and advice local advisor on your island + advisors in The Netherlands decision Cooperating Foundations
Timetable 25-30 May information sessions August 25 deadline to submit application 25 Aug - 30 Sept. selection of applications from 1 October decision Cooperating Foundations (go or no-go) 2nd half October in case of doubt: meeting local and Dutch advisors December 1 start of projects
Application form, 1 legal entity, activities, board etc. 1. Your organization legal entity, activities, board etc. 2. Your project reason, purpose, target group(s), reach, recruitment, need / desire activities, guidance / training of participants detailed plan for 1st + global plan for 2nd and 3rd year concrete and convincing results, cooperation, PR, opportunities & risks, future
Application form, 2 3. Finance budget: detailed budget for the 1st + global budget for the 2nd and 3rd years finance plan: funds, sponsors, government, fund raising activities own contribution (incl. voluntary commitment) amount requested Questions? contact your local advisor
So we are looking for... good initiatives for the elderly in their neighborhood aimed at repeated encounters setting up of network with volunteers good organization and administration detailed plan for the first year cooperation in our evaluation your commitment for elderly people!
And we offer….. financial support inspiration and knowledge (sharing) mutual learning + contacts participation in an inspiring, multi-annual program!
Thank you for your attention!