Mrs. Wang on yellow paper Conference sign-ups Mrs. Soto on blue paper Mrs. Wang on yellow paper
I have taught at Point Vicente since 1999 Mrs. Soto I have taught at Point Vicente since 1999
Mrs. Wang has ten years teaching experience
Press*216 and the phone won’t ring in the class! Contact me: (310) 377-6972 ext. 216 Press*216 and the phone won’t ring in the class! Email:
Mrs. Wang (310) 377-6972 ext. 220 Email:
We will listen and follow directions We will raise our hands We will use kind words We will help others
We will use inside voices We will be caring and respectful to everyone We will share
We will always do our best We will keep our hands and feet to ourselves We will use good manners
Help me, Obi-Won Kenobi, I need your help!
Morning Copies: Mondays Wednesdays
Homework Checkers Tuesday-- Mrs. Tannous Wed. -- ? Thursday – Mrs. Tannous Friday -- ? Substitute -- ?
Hands-On Science helpers AAYFT helpers
AAYFT dates: To be Determined
Work at home Possibly: print something in color at home, cut out lamination, glue something, make nametags, etc.
Pick up kids in front of the school at 3:00 Mondays at 1:30
Pull all the way up to the stop sign and stay in the car
Lazy W and San Juan Capistrano Mission Monday, Nov. 21 6:30 – 6:30
Walk through California February 22, 2017 8:45 Room 16 12:15 Room 20
Archeological Dig Date to be determined
Will be posted on Edlio
Music Tuesdays 1:00 – 1:55
Computer Lab Wednesdays 1:00 – 2:00 Room 16 Room 20 on Thursdays 1 – 2
SPECIALS P.E. Tuesdays & Thursdays 2:05 – 2:55
Library Tuesdays 9:45 – 10:15 Room 16
Library Wednesdays 9:45 – 10:15 Room 20
Kids can check out two books at a time
Books are returned the next week. They can be renewed once.
If a book is lost, it must be paid for before any other books can be checked out.
Assigned every night Monday through Thursday per district policy
Homework will be written daily in Agenda Book. Keep the Agenda Book in the binder at all times.
Homework is due the next day unless noted. See Homework Policy
Math in Focus Reflex Math Khan Academy
Math homework is leveled each day for your child Math homework is not always given daily
Khan Academy Reflex Math Online homework: Khan Academy Reflex Math Typing
Are you still with us? Only 20 more slides to go!
Need to be signed and returned to me TESTS Need to be signed and returned to me
I need the tests back! Sign and return! Please, do not erase their incorrect answers on tests. They can rework the problem on an additional piece of paper. I need the tests back! Sign and return!
Weekly test on following Thursday Mrs. Soto’s Class Lesson on Thursday Weekly test on following Thursday
Weekly test on following Wednesday Mrs. Wang’s Class Lesson on Wednesdays Weekly test on following Wednesday
Science Homework Will be posted on Edlio
Island of the Blue Dolphins Core Literature Novels We will read: Island of the Blue Dolphins By the Great Horn Spoon!
The Cricket in Times Square Other possible books include: Patty Reed’s Doll and The Cricket in Times Square
Please do not read the books ahead of time Please do not read the books ahead of time. I encourage you to buy your child their own copy so they can highlight it. I do have a class set of books for classroom use (Can’t write in them)
Reading Comprehension tests every week, similar to the reading homework
Spelling Each week I will give five must-know words from Grade 4 Core Word List I teach one to two spelling lessons for each unit Spelling workbook for homework Dear Parents posted on Edlio
Spelling YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE A SPELLING WORD LIST The same words will show up again over the year Students keep track of words they missed and study them
I am using a new Writing program called Ready Writing
You may and SHOULD help your child edit their written work.
Help them edit, but the final copy, (even if typed) must be done by the student.
Sometimes the odds are due one day, and the evens a different day For big assignments, I cannot grade all students in one day! Sometimes the odds are due one day, and the evens a different day
Please use double spacing and size 12 font in Comic Sans or Times New Roman My poor eyes!
Focus on California History
Native Americans Spanish Exploration California Regions Native Americans Spanish Exploration Mission and Ranchos Gold Rush Statehood The Railroad
Please sign up for a conference. May the Force be with You! Thank you for coming! Please sign up for a conference. May the Force be with You!