INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND RSA Constitution provides for the enactment of legislative measures to promote the quality of life of the people The EEA: provides for implementation of affirmative action measures to address the imbalances of the past. The promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act, 2000, rules that the promotion of equality is the responsibility of persons operating in the public and private domain Accelarating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Accelarating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development Background continue INDS advocates a paradigm shift in the approach to disability issues from medical to human rights model and provides for guidelines for integrating disability considerations into government programmes and transforming society so that it responds to the rights and needs of disabled persons. Accelarating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Accelarating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development Background continues Accessibility and built environment should comply with standards set by the SABS 0400 code of practice to ensure that building and facilities are user friendly to all the people The National Youth Development Framework determines that youth development issues should be integrated into departmental policies and programmes DLA Policies are aligned to support implementation of the legislative frameworks Accelarating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Accelarating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development Progress to date Disability Policy is in place Department has a vibrant disability forum There is gradual improvement of accessibility to DLA buildings Needs analysis done to determine career development of staff and strategies for integrating disability issues into management policies and programmes. Representivity for disabled staff is 2,9% Accelarating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Accelarating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development Progress continues There is ongoing collaboration with organisations supporting disabled people: SA National Ass of the blind, Tshwane Sign Language Centre etc. Youth committee established to facilitate implementation of youth programmes Internship and learnership programmes Bursary scheme available CLARA makes provision for integrating into operational policies and programmes ESTA comepls land oweners not to evict disabled people who sustained injury on the farm and assist them to acquire long term occupier status Monitoring system accounts for number of disabled people benefiting from the land reform programme Accelarating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Accelarating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development Progress to Date Cnt. CLRA makes provision for integrating into operational policies and programmes ESTA compels land owners not to evict disabled people who sustained injury on the farm and assist them to acquire long term occupier status Monitoring system accounts for number of disabled people benefiting from the land reform programme Accelarating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Accelarating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development Budget allocation The Total budget for the organisation and transformation office is inclusive of disability and youth programmes. 05/06 R m 06/07 07/08 3 079 3 251 3 287 Accelarating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Accelarating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development Challenges The programmes are internally focused and there is a need to improve our external focus to address the needs of people with disabilities and the youth. The Department is in the process of working with stakeholders in developing a framework to address the needs of children Accelarating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Accelarating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development THANK YOU Accelarating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development