KENWYN CURRICULUM NEWSLETTER – Here is an outline of the topics to be studied in Spring Term 2012 (as always, please don’t hesitate to ask if you would like more information or have anything to offer us in any of these areas. Thank you!) Music: songs and compositions with Roman and Viking themes. French: writing and conversation on a range of themes. Art: Roman standards and shields. History/Geography: Evidently this topic is History-heavy, and we are learning about what history is and chronology by using our own personal histories as a starting point. We will go on to study Boudicca and the Roman invasion, the settlement of the Saxons and the voracious and rather vicious Vikings. DT: Making clothes for Stig of the Dump and building Celtic roundhouses. PE: Mr Bateson, out trainee teacher from Bosvigo Primary School (where Mr Jones will spend this half-term), will be teaching Aussie Rules Football. We will also be swimming and doing net games. Science: Learning about electrical circuits and elecrical conductors. Maths: Kenwyn class will be concentrating on ways to add and subtract quickly in our heads, and written ways to add, subtract, multiply and divide as well as our usual coverage of the different strands of Maths. Literacy: We will be learning about a range of Myths and Legends, writing recount non-fiction texts and poetry that tells a story. RE: Christianity in Cornwall – how it got here, the impact it had and how we see it today. ICT: Construction and architecture. INVADERS AND SETTLERS