Karen McCuiston Ky Center for School Safety Resource Center Director Murray State University
Most Wonderful Job in the World
What comes to mind when you think of School Safety?
When You Think of School Safety? School Crisis or Emergency Natural Disaster Chemicals in the Science Rooms Bullying Classroom Management Bus Driver Safety/ Pick-Up Drop-Off Playground/Lunchroom/Common Areas Disciplinary Codes Drills…fire, earthquake, lockdown, tornado School Resource Officers Drug Abuse, Gangs, Suicides, etc… Internet Safety, cyberbullying, sexting, social networking, etc…
It Can Happen Anywhere
Why Focus on School Safety?
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Can You Ever Feel Safe? Ignorance is not bliss! Implement Programs, Counseling, Build Relationship between Staff/Students Due Diligence Be Prepared Practice
What Can We Do? Plan Look at Data Try to be prepared Train Where do we start???? (Honestly, is it necessary for me to even worry after a plan????)
Senate Bill 8 House Bill 354 Every school in Ky has to have an Emergency Plan Identify Safe Zones reviewed by the local fire marshal/fire chief Conduct specified drills Control access to school
Emergency Management www.kysafeschools.org Let our resources assist your schools
School Safety Endorsement at Murray State University
www.kysafeschools.org …
Thinking About Safety… In classrooms with students Don’t “frontal hug” students Don’t be their “BFF” Don’t undermine the teacher in charge Don’t add them on social media
Safety Tips When visiting a school locate the signage on the wall (fire exit route) but follow the teacher in charge Know what to do in case of a drill or lockdown (don’t act like it is a drill) If a student confides in you, explain the situation your professor. Buzz in, Sign in (follow rules) don’t tap on door for a student to open
Safety Tips Busy hands are productive hands, when it comes to classroom safety (not just the facility issues) Be watchful of all students surrounding you and when you have the leadership have multiple items for students to do when finished with assignments Dress and talk appropriately, you represent a “Future Teacher”
Never! Share a photo of students online or comment online about a student http://www.wmcactionnews5.com/story/19917141/teacher-suspended-for-fb-comments-about-kindergartners
Beware of Social Media Posts Teachers do run a greater risk of saying something that can affect their job performance. Just this week, a Bronx high school principal made tabloid news because students passed around a Facebook photo that shows her being doused in chocolate sauce by a shirtless man. In the Paterson, N.J., case, a judge ruled that teacher Jennifer O'Brien can be fired for calling her students future criminals on Facebook. O'Brien's lawyer, Nancy Oxfeld, argues the posting was just an insignificant blunder said in frustration after a bad day. "She never, ever thought her students were all future criminals, not ever," Oxfeld says. "And people leaped to a conclusion that Ms. O'Brien did believe what she said, when she didn't." Oxfeld, who will make this case to the state education commissioner, says the teacher has an unblemished job performance record. But credibility and trust matter, especially to parents. "How you say [things] and how you go about it is what counts, especially when you're dealing with kids," he says. "You are there as [a] role model, and putting things like that or saying things like that, it's a bit inappropriate." http://www.npr.org/2011/12/07/143264921/friendly-advice-for-teachers-beware-of-facebook
I have come to a frightening conclusion I have come to a frightening conclusion. I am the decisive element in the classroom. It is my personal approach that creates the climate. It is my daily mood that makes the weather. As a teacher I possess tremendous power to make a child’s life miserable or joyous.
I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration. I can humiliate or humor, hurt or heal. In all situations it is my response that decides whether a crisis will be escalated or de-escalated, and a child humanized or dehumanized. -Haim Ginott