Project financed by the European Union Forest Law Enforcement and Governance (FLEG) in Central Asia Status overview (TAG Meeting 27.09.2013) Project financed by the European Union Kassel 10.09.2013
Development of national FLEG action plans is supported The objective: Promotion of legal and sustainable forest management and utilisation practices strengthens the rule of law, tackles the growing problem of illegal forest activities and enhances local livelihoods. Expected Results: Improved capacities of forest ministries/ agencies for the implementation of effective forest governance Recommendations for the improvement of the legal framework are developed Development of national FLEG action plans is supported 2
3) Development of national FLEG action plans is supported Overview: Results and Activities per updated DoA Results Activities 1) Improved capacities of forest ministries/ agencies for the implementation of effective forest governance 1.1 Assessment of capacities and organisational development needs of responsible forest ministries or agencies and elaboration of capacity building plans 1.2 Implementation of capacity building and organisational development plans where possible in synergy with FLEG East, EFI. FAO, IUCN, WB and others 1.3 Definition and implementation of mechanisms to strengthen regional and sub-regional collaboration and exchange of experiences between Central Asia and the EU through exchange visits an on-site support 1.4 Definition of mechanisms to strengthen transparency of forest administration (e.g. audits) 2) Recommendations for the improvement of the legal framework are developed 2.1 Analysis of structural conditions that affect the implementation of effective forest administration 2.2 Analysis of relevant legal framework, policies and working procedures and potential for improvement 2.3 Elaboration of proposals for improvement of legal framework including by-law and inter-sector policies 3) Development of national FLEG action plans is supported 3.1 Support and facilitate dialogue in the countries on FLEG related issues in accordance with the St. Petersburg Declaration and in the spirit of the respective national forest program principles 3.2 Establish and facilitate FLEG national and regional working groups and facilitate the nomination of National Focal Points; support the systematic cooperation and dialogue among forest authorities at all levels 3.3 Definition of functions of Focal Points and country teams and development of baselines for FLEG and FLEG action plans 3.4 Identification of mechanisms to promote participation of private sectors and civil society in the FLEG activities 3
Overview: milestones of the past 5 months Inception Phase Implementation Inception Workshop National Coordinator Focal Point FELG Working Group Approved Operational Plan (30 months) Analysis of FLEG status & HCD Roadmap (specific tasks, 6 months) Tajikistan 17.05.2013 Bunyod Sabzaliev Kurbonov Shodibek 2 WG per decree yes ongoing Kyrgyzstan 20.05.2013 Sulaiman Berdikeev Ormonov Oskonbaevich (current mission) Turkmenistan 05.07.2013 Gulbahar Abdurasulova (halftime) Muhamed Durikov (yes) Uzbekistan 16.08.2013 Grigoriy Samoylov (halftime) (proposed: Alexandr Grigoryants) (proposed) (draft) (internal) Kazakhstan 20.08.2013 Dana Yermolyonok (halftime) Kairat Ustemirov Crucial: Memorandum of implementation With chief expert (For. Dep.) in Germany 4
Regional overview: status analysis Forest sector analysis Policy / legal situation Institutional situation Forest Code, NFP, by-laws & reg. Personnel situation Regional cooperation Tajikistan very well done requires clarification FC existing but outdated, NFP worked on insufficient capacities and funds envisaged Kyrgyzstan well done ok 2011-15 plan waiting for approval proposed Turkmenistan good basics (current mission) FC 2011 NFP No by-laws & reg Uzbekistan poorly done F Code and NFP (2009) developed but not approved needs to be supported Kazakhstan FC ok NFP planned for 2014 5
Forest code and forest sector strategy, NFP forest administration Regional overview: implementation focus For all: FLEG awareness-rising measures during missions Forest code and forest sector strategy, NFP forest administration FLEG AP regional cooperation Tajikistan Focussed support of existing working groups on forest policy & strategy and structural amendments Facilitate implementation of NFP Support for by-laws and legislation Assessment of HCD needs and development of best-practise example procedures Drafting FLEG AP Exchange in concern of the KYR FLEG AP and forest strategy development in KYR Kyrgyzstan Support for a consolidation of national forest strategy and revision of FC (=> NFP) Facilitate activation of FLEG AP Development of best-practise example procedures and practical guidelines for field implementation Further development of by-laws & legislation Review existing FLEG AP Strengthen participation of civil / communal stakeholder I.e. for FLEG as guiding example Facilitate regional involvement of NGOs Turkmenistan Support on by-laws & legislation St. Petersburg Declaration not yet signed, FLEG rather unknown Regional exchange desired Uzbekistan Clarification on responsibility and objectives => NFP Focussed support of existing WGs on forest policy & strategy and on by-laws & legislation Support for FLEG AP Stimulation for regional cooperation required Kazakhstan Roles and responsibilities of national authorities and committees need to be clarified Support for NFP development High expectation on regional cooperation exists beyond FLEG 6
Example roadmaps 8
Thank you! 9 Dr. Joachim Krug Senior Forestry Expert FLERMONECA FLEG Component Coordinator Hessen-Forst International Consulting Services 9