2017/8 NomCom Review: Status Update MSSI | ICANN58 | 11 March 2017
Reviews Calendar Reviews: what is coming up 2016 ccNSO2 2017 2018 2019 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 JUL 2017 ccNSO2 2017 2018 2019 TODAY SPECIFIC REVIEW LEGEND: ORG REVIEW JUL 2014 GNSO2 OCT 2015 CCT MAY 2016 At-Large2 OCT 2016 RDS (formerly WHOIS2) JAN 2017 ATRT3 FEB 2017 NomCom2 APR 2017 RSSAC2 MAY 2017 ASO2 JUN 2017 SSAC2 Lines represent the Planning, Conducting, and Implementation phases of the Review process JUL 2016 SSR2 Reviews: what is coming up
Independent Examiner (IE) Reports Draft Report Draft Final Report Final Report Used to Contain Assessment of procedural/structural findings and recommendations how to address them- based on Review Working Party (RWP) feedback Updated Assessment of procedural/structural findings and updated recommendations how to address them- based on RWP and Public Comment feedback Updated Assessment of procedural/structural findings and updated recommendations how to address them- based on RWP feedback Now Contains Assessment of procedural and structural findings only- based on RWP feedback; now called Assessment Report Updated Assessment of procedural and structural findings- based on RWP and Public Comment Feedback and recommendations how to address them. Updated Assessment of procedural and structural findings and updated recommendations how to address them- based on RWP and Public Comment Feedback Public Comment? Used to: Yes Now: Yes Used to: No Now: No
Proposed Process Improvement for IE’s work Separate work into two phases: Assessment Phase and Recommendation Phase Assessment Phase - evaluation of current state – what is working well and what needs improvement; based on fact gathering and RWP feedback Recommendation Phase – development of useful recommendations, based on feedback from RWP and community (via public comment) Benefit – clear understanding of what aspects that need improvement prior to the development of recommendations is expected to lead to more effective recommendations The tables will auto resize, and become smaller if you add and larger if you delete. To change the colors of the boxes, Click < Format Table < Fill < Choose your Color
Roles and Responsibilities Review Working Party Independent Examiner Independent Examiner OEC ICANN organization Liaison Conduct self-assessment Help tailor review methodology Input into review scope, deliverables and selection criteria Community outreach support Input into data collection – online assessment and interviews Provide clarification and factual corrections Assess usefulness & feasibility of recommendations Assess effectiveness of prior review improvements Review of documents, records Observe proceedings Develop and conduct online surveys Conduct interviews Factual observations and implementable recommendations Engage with stakeholders for clarification and correction Prepare report(s) Oversight Scope of review Confirm Independent Examiner Accept Report* Approve Implementation Plans* Monitor progress of implementations Prepare RFP, run competitive bidding process Monitor timeline and resources Support review Support outreach and engagement Manage report and public comment process Assist with preparation of Review Implementation Plan *Prepare Recommendations for Board Action
Next steps: RFP and Scope The Request for Proposal is the ‘call for an independent examiner’ The RFP, among others, sets the scope of review The OEC is the ultimate arbiter of the scope but ICANN organization works very closely with the community under review to assure the scope meets everyone’s expectations Bylaws prescribe at a minimum: The goal of the review, to be undertaken pursuant to such criteria and standards as the Board shall direct, shall be to determine (i) whether that organization, council or committee has a continuing purpose in the ICANN structure, (ii) if so, whether any change in structure or operations is desirable to improve its effectiveness and (iii) whether that organization, council or committee is accountable to its constituencies, stakeholder groups, organizations and other stakeholders. You can find all information on 2009 SSAC Review, including the RFP, Review Team composition, and Final Report here: https://www.icann.org/resources/reviews/org/ssac (or search for ‘ssac review’)
Questions and Answers Thank You and Questions Reach us at: Email: reviews@icann.org Website: icann.org/resources/reviews/org