PMU Transportation System Done by: Wafaa Al-Ghamdi 200600705 Hanoof Al-Khaldi 200600649 Albandri alsubai 200700092 Fai al-Otaibi 200600538
Outline Executive Summary Context Diagram Use Cases Domain model Project Management Class Diagram Interactive Diagram Contracts
Executive Summery PMU buses are available for female students in four different destinations, each destination has at least one bus. Our system will be improve the Bus System in general from Manual process to online process. Our goal to save the consuming time, increase the efficiency and reduce the efforts for each actor belongs to this process.
Context Diagram
Use Cases Register Transportation Use Case. Handle Payment Use Case. Waiting List Use Case.
Use Case 1 : Register Transportation UC description: if the student is interested to join in PMU’s transportation, student has to register in transportation online. Primary actor: Student. Precondition: Student is identified and authenticated. Student is logged in to the banner self service account Main Success Scenario: 1-Student goes to PMU Banner Self Service Page. 2-Student enters the ID and password to access the account. 3-Student selects term. 4-Student click on Transport Registration 5-System checks the bus availability 6-Student checks the destination. Post condition: the destination is checked Extension: The destination is unavailable to choose if its buses capacity is full.
Use Case 2: Handle Payment UC description: to be confirmed in registration, student has to pay the bus fees. Primary actors: Student and cashier Precondition: Student is logged in to the banner self-service account and chose the destination. Main Success Scenario: 1-System checks the students account 2-System presents the current account, the cost’s service and change before the payment. 3-Student submit to run the process. 4-System presents a message “Please go to Office G014 with your PMU ID” 5-Student clicks Print to print out the receipt. Post condition: The student is completely registered Extension: -System rejects the registration if the account’s balance under the service’s cost. Then presents message “ You don’t have transportation’s cost in your account please go to cashier office.” -Student click cancel to cancel the registration. -Student click cancel to cancel printing the receipt.
Use Case 3: Waiting List UC description: System rejects the student to register because the capacity is full, some arrangements will be done. Primary actors: Student and bus clerk Precondition: Student is identified, authenticated and logged in to the banner. System holds the full destination to click. Main Success Scenario: 1-Student clicks request 2-Clerk received the request. Post-condition: Clerk counts the number of waiting requests to supply a new bus. When it is supplied the registration of the specific destination becomes available.
Domain Model
Project managment A:gradunet autcome/company vision,mision/organization background B:department+strucuer/SWOT analysis/organization needs to system C:feasablility study/stratigic plan/marketing plan D:current sustem/aims and objects of the new system/narritive description of the ystem E:project management /project title/system analysis F:System design G:system design H:system implementation I:feedback/maintained plan/resources
Project Management A ----- 2 4 6 B 7 C 5 D A,B E C,D 10 F G 8 12 14 H Activity Predecessor Optimistic (a) Most Probable (m) Pessimistic (b) Expected time (T) A ----- 2 4 6 B 7 5.8 C 5 5.1 D A,B E C,D 10 7.3 F 7.1 G 8 12 14 11 H 3 I 4.2
Project Management There is one Critical path : B, D, E, F, G, H, I. The project expected complete in 46 days,4 hours , 48 minutes.
Class Diagram
Interactive diagram(1) students 3.1register(stid,bus) 3.0register(stid,bus,amount) register (stid,dest) controller register 3.3add(id,dest,bus) 3.2creat (id,bus) 4.0 addtowaitinglist (stId, destination) 4.2 create(stId, destination) 1: bus = checkBus (destination) Ws:waiting st SB:student bus waiting fleet 4.1 add(ws) Scheduled 1.1 : bus = find (destination) bus Waiting list
Interactive diagram (2) students 2.1Amount=get(amount) 2.2Amount>=cost 2.St=get(stid) 3.1register(stid,bus) payment( (stid,amount) controller register 3.3add(id,dest,bus) 3.2creat (id,bus) 4.0 addtowaitinglist (stId, destination) 4.2 Add(stId, destination) 1: bus = checkBus (destination) Ws:waiting st waiting fleet 4.1 Create(ws) Scheduled 1.1 : bus = find (destination) bus Waiting list
Contract CO1: register Operation: register (stId, destination) Cross Reference: Use Case :Register Transportation Precondition: There is a Controller. There is a fleet object and bus collection. Postcondition: Bus retrieved and associated with the Controller. Controller checked any available bus based on destination. register( stId, destination) 1: bus = checkBus (destination) 1.1 : bus = find (destination) Controller Fleet Bus
Contract CO2: payment handle Operation: -get(amount) -pay(stid) Cross references: use case .payment Precondition: bus bust be available Post condition: -amount must equal or less than cost Paying for bus must be done Amount must decrease by cost Student must be ready to register for bus students 2.1Amount=get(amount) 2.2Amount>=cost 2.St=get(stid) registers Pay(stid,amont)) controller
Contract CO3: Register Operation: Register(stid,bus) Cross References: Use Case: Register Precondetion : There is a controller There is Register, There is SB: Student Bus, There is Scheduled Bus collection Postcondetion: If the controller check the fleet and it is available and found the destenation , he go to register . SB: Student Bus was created by Register to allow students to register in bus. Then add the SB: Student Bus to Scheduled Bus to collect the number of buses.
Contract CO4:Waiting list Operation: addToWaitingList (stId, destination) Cross reference: Use case: Waiting list Precondition: There is waiting object, waiting student object and waiting student collection. Postcondition: Waiting object is retrieved and associated with Controller to add the waiting student to the list according to student ID and destination. A Waiting student has been created by Waiting object and added to the waiting student collection. 4.0 addtowaitinglist (stId, destination) Waiting Controller 4.2 create(stId, destination) 4.1 add(ws) Ws:WaitingSt WaitingSt