SECM - Requirements Concepts Initial proposal on uncertainty modeling Shaukat and Tao Yue Simula Research Laboratory November 1, 2016
Recall from Sysml Probability distributions [1] «distributionName» {p1=value, p2=value …} property name:type name «normal»{mean = "2.1", standardDeviation = "0.01"} power : W Probabilistic Flow in activities SysML 1.4: Annex E Common distributions such as Normal, Interval, etc. [1] A Practical Guide to SysML: The Systems Modeling Language, Alan Moore, Rick Steiner, and Sanford Friedenthal Simula Research Laboratory
Perspective 1
Some points Providing model libraries related to uncertainty Extensions of previous version of SYSML Current status of implementations in the next slides Simula Research Laboratory
Probability related model libraries Man Zhang, Shaukat Ali, Tao Yue and Roland Norgren. An Integrated Modeling Framework to Facilitate Model-Based Testing of Cyber-Physical Systems under Uncertainty, Submitted to a Journal, Simula Research Laboratory, Technical Report 2016-02, 2016. Link:
Ambiguity Man Zhang, Shaukat Ali, Tao Yue and Roland Norgren. An Integrated Modeling Framework to Facilitate Model-Based Testing of Cyber-Physical Systems under Uncertainty, Submitted to a Journal, Simula Research Laboratory, Technical Report 2016-02, 2016. Link:
vagueness Man Zhang, Shaukat Ali, Tao Yue and Roland Norgren. An Integrated Modeling Framework to Facilitate Model-Based Testing of Cyber-Physical Systems under Uncertainty, Submitted to a Journal, Simula Research Laboratory, Technical Report 2016-02, 2016. Link:
Perspective 2
Weight example Who, When, how much confident Simula Research Laboratory
U-MODEL Complete Documentation: Man Zhang, Bran Selic, Shaukat Ali, Tao Yue, Oscar Okariz and Roland Norgren, Understanding Uncertainty in Cyber-Physical Systems: A Conceptual Model, 12th European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA), 2016, pdf link:
U-model Complete Documentation: Man Zhang, Bran Selic, Shaukat Ali, Tao Yue, Oscar Okariz and Roland Norgren, Understanding Uncertainty in Cyber-Physical Systems: A Conceptual Model, 12th European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA), 2016, pdf link:
U-RUCM (Demo on tool, Screenshot just for backup) M. Zhang, T. Yue, S. Ali, B. Selic, O. Okariz, R. Norgen, K. Intxausti, and S. Charramendieta, Specifying Uncertainty in Use Case Models in Industrial Settings, Submitted to a Conference, 2016,
U-RUCM (Demo on tool, Screenshot just for backup) M. Zhang, T. Yue, S. Ali, B. Selic, O. Okariz, R. Norgen, K. Intxausti, and S. Charramendieta, Specifying Uncertainty in Use Case Models in Industrial Settings, Submitted to a Conference, 2016, Simula Research Laboratory
U-RUCM (Demo on tool, Screenshot just for backup) M. Zhang, T. Yue, S. Ali, B. Selic, O. Okariz, R. Norgen, K. Intxausti, and S. Charramendieta, Specifying Uncertainty in Use Case Models in Industrial Settings, Submitted to a Conference, 2016, Simula Research Laboratory
Properties of a requirement beliefAgent:String beliefDegree:? uncertainty:? indeterminacySource:? Simula Research Laboratory
Perspective 3
The UML uncertainty profile Man Zhang, Shaukat Ali, Tao Yue and Roland Norgren. An Integrated Modeling Framework to Facilitate Model-Based Testing of Cyber-Physical Systems under Uncertainty, Submitted to a Journal, Simula Research Laboratory, Technical Report 2016-02, 2016,
The UML uncertainty profile Can be used for modeling uncertainties in UML, for example, activities, state machines and so on. Can be extended for SysML v.2?? Simula Research Laboratory
Additional Material
probabilistic variations Unit to Unit Variation over time From Slide 11 (Generic Classification of Uncertainty) Variation over environment (Solar Panel) Variation over geographical location ? Occurrence over environment (Window blinds open close depending on sun) Other combinations of time, geographical location, etc Simula Research Laboratory