Updates on Management of Stone Fruit Diseases


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Presentation transcript:

Updates on Management of Stone Fruit Diseases Mohammad Babadoost University of Illinois babadoos@illinois.edu 7-8 February 2017

Management of Stone Fruit Disease ____________________________________ New chemicals Bacterial spot - peach Brown rot – all stone fruit Wound and canker - peach Babadoost

Management of Stone Fruit Disease ____________________________________ New chemicals – Fruits & Vegetables Babadoost

New Fungicides for Fruit & Vegetables Common Name Trade Name Crop Diseases Benzovindiflupyr [FRAC Code: 7] Aprovia Blueberries Leaf rust, Septoria leaf spot Grape Alternaria rot, angular leaf spot, anthracnose, black rot, Phomopsis cane and leaf spot, powdery mildew Pome fruit Alternaria blotch, cedar-apple rust, quince rust, Scab, sooty blotch/flyspeck, fruit rots, Difenoconazole + Benzovindiflupyr [FRAC Code: 3 + 7] Aprovia Top Cucurbits Several fungal diseases Fruiting vegetables Peas & beans Tuberous vegetables

New Fungicides for Fruit & Vegetables Common Name Trade Name Crop Diseases Azoxystrobin + Benzovindiflupyr [FRAC Code: 11 + 7] Elatus Potato Black dot, Rhizoctonia canker, silver scurf Sweet corn Several fungal diseases (rust, blight, gray leaf spot, … Oxathiapiprolin [FRAC Code: U15] Orondis Gold 200 Cucurbits Phytophthora blight (Phytophthora capsici) Fruiting vegetables Leafy vegetables Downy mildew Mefenoxam [FRAC Code: 4] Orondis Gold B Damping-off (Pythium spp.) Damping-off and Phytophthora diseases

New Fungicides for Fruit & Vegetables Common Name Trade Name Crop Diseases Oxathiapiprolin [FRAC Code: U15] Orondis Opti A Brassicas Downy mildew Bulb veget. Cucurbits Downy mildew and Phytophthora blight Fruiting vegetables Downy mildew and Phytophthora diseases Ginseng Phytophthora root rot Potato Late blight Chlorothalonil [FRAC Code: M5] Orondis Opti B Alternaria and downy mildew Several fungal diseases Several fungal disease Fruiting veg. Alternaria and gray mold Orondis Opti A and Orondis Opti B should be mixed

New Fungicides for Fruit & Vegetables Common Name Trade Name Crop Diseases Oxathiapiprolin [FRAC Code: U15] Orondis Ultra A Brassicas Downy mildew Bulb veget. Cucurbits Downy mil. & Phytophthora Fruiting vegetables Downy mildew and Phytophthora diseases Ginseng Phytophthora root rot Leafy veget. Potato Late blight Mandipropamid [FRAC Code: 40] Orondis Ultra B Fruiting veg. Downy mild. & Phytophthora Orondis Ultra A and Orondis Ultra B should be mixed

New Fungicides for Fruit & Vegetables Common Name Trade Name Crop Diseases Polyoxin [FRAC Code: 19] OSO SC Brassicas Several fungal diseases Bulb veget. Carrot Citrus Cucurbits Fruiting veg. Grape Gray mold, powdery mildew Leafy veget. Legumes Pome fruit Scab, powdery mildew Potato Early & late blights, white mol. Stone fruit Botrytis, powdery mildew Isofetamid [FRAC Code: 7] Kenja 400SC Botrytis bunch rot Lettuce Sclerotinis drop

New Fungicides for Fruit & Vegetables Common Name Trade Name Crop Diseases Fluopyram [FRAC Code: 7] Luna Privileg Artichoke Several fungal diseases Blueberry Brassicas Carrot Cherry Brown rot, cherry leaf spot, powdery mildew, scab, Dill Citrus Fungal diseases Pome Fruits Scab, powdery mildew, sooty blotch/flyspeck Grape Ginseng Herbs Gray mold, powdery mildew Leafy green Legumes

New Fungicides for Fruit & Vegetables Common Name Trade Name Crop Diseases Fluopyram [FRAC Code: 7] Continues Luna Privileg Cucurbits Several fungal diseases Bulb veget. Tomato Root veget. Fluopyram + Tebuconazole [FRAC Code: 7 + 3] Luna Experi-ence Almond Pecan Pistachio Grape Watermelon Gray mold, powdery mildew Fluopyram + Trifloxystrobin [FRAC Code: 7 + 11] Luna Sensat-ion Apple Scab, powdery mildew, rust, sooty blotch/flyspeck, fruit rot Cherry

New Fungicides for Fruit & Vegetables Common Name Trade Name Crop Diseases Azoxystrobin [FRAC Code: 11] Aframe Almond Several fungal diseases Artichoke Ramularia leaf spot Asparagus Purple spot Blueberry Brassicas Bulb veget. Carrot Celery Citrus Cucurbits Fruiting veg. Gray mold, powdery mildew Grape Herbs Leafy veget.

New Fungicides for Fruit & Vegetables Common Name Trade Name Crop Diseases Azoxystrobin [FRAC Code: 11] Continues Aframe Legumes Several fungal diseases Pecans Anthracnose, scab Potato Stone Fruits Brown rot, scab, powdery mildew, shot hole Tomato Tree nuts Root/Tub ve Azoxystrobin + propiconazole [FRAC Code: 11 + 3] Aframe Plus Beans Berries Bulb veget. Celery Early blight, late blight Strawberry

New Fungicides for Fruit & Vegetables Common Name Trade Name Crop Diseases Bacillus mycoides, isolate J [Biocontrol agent] LifeGard WG Almond Alternaria disease Citrus Citrus canker Brassicas Downy mildew Cucurbits Anthracnose, downy mildew, gummy stem, powdery mild. Fruiting vegetable Bacterial spot & speck, early blight, gray mold, late blight Grape Lettuce Downy mildew, powdery mild. Legumes White mold Pecan Pecan scab Pone fruit Fire blight Potato Early & late blights, white mol. Spinach Downy mildew, leaf spot LifeGard can be used in organic production

Bacterial Spot of Peaches _____________________________________ An annual disease in Illinois Pathogen: Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni Pathogen survival: in buds, ankers, cracks in barks, and leaf scars Disease development is favored by: moist and warm conditions. Higher disease severity in sandy soil. Babadoost

Peach bacterial spot in Illinois in 2016 Babadoost

Bacterial spot on peach fruits Babadoost

Disease cycle of peach bacterial spot

Management of Bacterial Spot _____________________________________ Plant resistant/tolerant cultivars Nutrient stress: higher disease severity Sandy soil: prevent sand blowing Chemical use: copper, oxytentracycline Babadoost

Applications of Copper Sprays 2.0-2.5 lb Cu/A 1.5-2.0 lb Cu/A 1.0 lb Cu/A Early bud-break Pink-bud Blossoms opening

Applications of Copper and Mycoshield 0.50 lb Cu/A 0.10-0.25 lb Cu/A (+ Mycoshield) Petal-fall Shuck-split/Shuck-off Copper phytotoxicity may begin to occur

Bacterial Spot of Peaches _____________________________________ Registered chemicals FireLine (oxytetracycline hydrochloride; FRAC: 41) Mycoshield (oxytetracycline Calcium complex; FRAC: 41) Babadoost

Important Stone Fruit Diseases ______________________________________ Brown rot of peach: Fungus Monilinia fructicola Babadoost

Brown rot of peach in Illinois Babadoost 23

Characteristics of Brown Rot ______________________________________ Major symptoms: Blossom blight and spur blight Fruit rot Inoculum sources: mummies, twig canker Babadoost

Blossom infection by Monilinia fructicola

Peach brown rot and mummies Babadoost

Life Cycle of peach brown rot

Overwintering of Monilinia fructicola

Managing Peach Brown Rot Cultural practices _________________________________________________ Cultural practices Remove mommies Prune blighted twigs Disk the ground in spring to prevent spore production Remove wild and neglected stone fruit trees Babadoost

Managing Peach Brown Rot Fungicide applications _________________________________________________ Fungicide applications From pink bud until petal fall blossom blight (blossom and shoot blight) Prior to harvest fruit rot (brown rot) Babadoost

Fungicide Efficacy for Peach Brown Rot Brown R. Bloom Brown R. Fruit Adament E Pristine G Bravo --- Procure* Captan F-G Rally* Captevate Rovral Elevate Quash Fontelis Scala Indar* Sulfur F P Inspir Super Syllit* Luna Sensa. Topguard Merivan Topsin-M* Orbit* Vangard P = poor; F = fair; G = good; E = excellent; --- = unknown. * = resistance reported.

Other Peach Problems Babadoost

Powdery mildew of peach

Wounds and canker of peach

A peach orchard with sandy ground
