Ducks Fly Together!
What is migration? Regular seasonal movement, often north and south along a flyway between breeding and wintering grounds
What is a flyway? Flight path used in bird migration North America has 4 Pacific Central Mississippi Atlantic
Why North and South? Gets cold up North during winter Go where the resources are
Patterns on the trip Migration tends to follow clockwise rotation Birds flying North stay Westward and birds flying South stay Eastward
The big 3 Allen, KG, Pierce
The big 3 Bosh, James, Wade
The big 3 Food, water, shelter
What do they eat? Typically eat green vegetation as well as grains such as wheat, rice, and corn Many winter in southern rice paddies Farmers like it because they are good pest control and fertilizer
Why fly in the V formations? Reduce energy by 12-20% Can fly 5km/hr faster Share the burden of leading When tired, go to the back If one goose gets hurt, 2 drop out with it until it dies or recovers
Communicating on the move 13 different calls that mean a variety of things Greeting, warning, encouragement, and directions
How do they know when to leave? First studied in 1795 Shortening of days causes hormonal changes Restlessness and storage of fat Even caged birds exhibit this behavior Also adjust flight patterns within their enclosures
Navigating How do they navigate? They use the sun as a compass Use stars at night Landmarks like rivers, mountains, etc. Magnetic field strength changes as latitude changes Strength of magnetic field
Coming home They often return to the same wintering and breeding grounds every fall/spring Have surprisingly good memories.
Learning the Routes Geese learn where to go from older geese Older geese are better at making adjustments to wind drift
What about the hurt? If one goose gets hurt, 2 others follow it down. Stay with it until it dies or recovers Catch back up or join new formation
What about the endangered? Humans teach to fly with light aircraft Show safe migration routes Process used for reintroduction of species Will know the way after one migration
Sleeping on the fly Sleep with one eye open Half the brain shuts off Why do we even need sleep?
Lung power
Human tracking of migrations
Banding http://www.flyways.us
Why’s tracking important