FRENCH POSITION on the 600 kg question Allways difficult to swimm against the mainstream….
A major change in E.M.F. position Actual EMF position is NOT what we agreed upon during the Prague meeting Discussion only by mail exchange A real agreement between European Countries… EXCEPT France and BELGIUM NEEDS A CLARIFICATION
A Major stake for french pilots Today – and since the 1998 - our working basis is : LIBERTY AND RESPONSIBILITY Consequences : no medical no maintenance constraints (pilot responsible) no mandatory logbook easy use of private airfields etc…
A major increase of ultralight flying, due to those simple rules 2004 : 9500 members 2015 : 15543 members 932 Flying schools ( associations+private) 400 licensed instructors Conclusion : our system works ! The results are significants
The counterpart of the freedom The counterpart of this freedom –negociated by D.MEREUZE - : the weight limit : 450kg (and stall speed) The risk : le lost of the actual national regulation ! We would have to face two dangers.
FIRST danger : our naa (Dgac) If Annex 1 includes Microlights up to 600kg, the DGAC refuse to apply the actual rules to the new category . CLEAR and SIMPLE .You could suggest : If 600kg is adopted by Europe, France could decide to maintain the actual rules on its own territory. In that case, we would be facing a second danger
Second danger : our own members ! We also have people willing to fly with more heavy machines, but without paying the fee to the certified aviation… That would split our own Federation ! We can imagine : Endless discussions Strong oppositions between traditional ML flight and « heavy flyers » And finally members leaving the Federation if we don’t defend the 600 position with the DGAC (even if it’s useless)
CONCLUSION : We feel very happy with the actual 450kg regulation : it allows beautiful flights with very interesting machines EASA announces clearly its will to alleviate LSA regulation… we are all skeptical,BUT it could be the beginning of a solution To support 600kg would be for us a political and useless suicide
In fact, we would be like turkeys voting for Christmas !!