Word of the day: Academic Advising [ak-uh-dem-ik ad-vahyz-ing] 2016 Annual NACADA October 2016 Preliminary data from the forthcoming paper: “What is Academic Advising? An Invitation to use Analytic Induction.”
Agenda Overview of research process Review Definition Discuss implications for future of academic advising Call to action
No common definition of Academic Advising Issue No common definition of Academic Advising
Literature Review Importance of having a definition Attempt Consequences of not defining advising
Methodology Pilot Study Qualitative strategy Analytic Induction: Sharon Merriam
Analytic Induction “starting from the detailed examination of a small number of cases” “continues by creating typologies or ascertaining the essential characteristics of something of interest, be it a relationship, an institution or role” *continual process
Sampling and Data Sampling (Stakeholder) Data Collection: Redcaps + Interview (pilot study) Data analysis Coding process Dedoose/Excel
Demographics 48 completed the initial demographic questionnaire and completed the study survey.
You are an academic advisor or your occupation is directly involved with academic advising.
Please identify your interaction with advising.
NACADA region
Degree level completed (#)
Academic Advising [ak-uh-dem-ik ad-vahyz-ing] Findings + Discussion Academic Advising [ak-uh-dem-ik ad-vahyz-ing] Verb Academic advising applies knowledge of the field to empower students, and campus and community members to successfully navigate academic interactions related to higher education.
“Academic Advising” Academic advising applies knowledge of the field to empower students and campus and community members to successfully navigate academic interactions related to higher education. Jason Noun/Verb Process/Moment Academic
“Applies Professional Knowledge” Academic advising applies knowledge of the field to empower students and campus and community members to successfully navigate academic interactions related to higher education. Sharon Education Who Level Skill Tool Understanding Advisor Literature Trust/Confidentiality
“Empower” Academic advising applies knowledge of the field to empower students and campus and community members to successfully navigate academic interactions related to higher education. Josh Skill Tool Understanding Advisor
“Students and Campus and Community Members” Academic advising applies knowledge of the field to empower students, and campus and community members to successfully navigate academic interactions related to higher education. Josh Service Scholar Expert Liaison
“Successfully Navigate” Academic advising applies knowledge of the field to empower students, and campus and community members to successfully navigate academic interactions related to higher education. Sharon Purposeful Direction Not Positive Practitioner/Scholar People
“Higher Education” Academic advising applies knowledge of the field to empower students, and campus and community members to successfully navigate academic interactions related to higher education. Sharon Setting
Academic advising applies knowledge of the field to empower students, and campus and community members to successfully navigate academic interactions related to higher education. Academic advising (is a collaborative process) that applies knowledge of the field (professional knowledge) and skills (tools) to a (confidential/safe) and (proactive, purposeful, deliberate, intentional) academic interaction to empower students, and campus and community members to proactively/successfully navigate and persist in academic interactions (endeavors) related to higher education (to address goals). Jason Ask audience about synonyms Synonyms New Categories Exclusions
Limitations Limited Demographic Data from Participants Participants Drawn from Professional Organizations Qualitative Strategy is Inclusive Only advisors and advising administrators
So What? Implications (policy, practice, future research) Reflection on academic advising impacts daily activities Professional development strategy We invite you to send these definitions to us Policy Career ladder for academic advising – connect to HR Future Research Purposeful sampling to include certain demographic groups who are advisors & administrators Purposeful sampling to stakeholders such as students and alumni Use Analytic Induction to define other occupations in higher education
Q & A Do you think this definition describes what you do? Why or why not? What do you think is missing? This is an invination: advisingresearch@utah.edu. Questions from the group
Engaging in Research Forming a research group and how it functions Empowering advisors to conduct research How being a scholar can become part of professional identity Researchable Questions Jason - Each of us say thoughts about being involved in research