WHAT IS MEDITAION? The Word Meditation is “Misused” Meditation is DHYANA It is Inward Step It is Awareness It is “Shunya”
WHY MEDITATION? Stressful Life Life Energy at Turmoil. Loss of Peace of Mind. Pursuit of Happiness. To Bring Harmony to Your Energy Meditation is Necessary
TYPES OF MEDITATION Transcendental Meditation: In this type of meditation, you need a Guru. In this meditation you go beyond your mind and body Guided Meditation: This type of meditation done in quiet setting, with relaxed breathing and focused attention. Mantra Meditation: In this meditation you silently repeat a calming word or phrases to prevent distraction. Let us say “AUM” To prepare your body for above meditation you need to learn Yoga Asanas.
Guided by Yogi, Sathguru Jaggi Vasudev GUIDED MEDTATION Guided by Yogi, Sathguru Jaggi Vasudev
Effects of Meditation Relieves following conditions: Meditation is a physiological state of mind where your breath become deeper and slower, heart bits slow, increase your awareness, sharpens memories, relaxes body muscles and relives stress. Relieves following conditions: Anxiety disorder Asthma Depression Heart diseases and high blood pressure. Psychosomatic disorder Sleep disorders.
THANK YOU CONCLUSION Meditation Takes Practice Reduce Your Stress Improve Your Overall Well-being THANK YOU