Rule-based writing: The technical writer´s viewpoint
Speaker Justine Binder Main focus Technical writer Controlled Language Language checkers Language standardization Terminology
Overview Starting Point– Too much work, too little time Vision and Goal – A marathon, not a sprint Analysis and planning – Ideology and practice Implementation – Important steps Results – More time for important tasks
Starting Point Starting Point
Starting Point Different products and product variations target groups and information types markets platforms
Vision and Goal Vision and Goal
Vision and Goal More time for more important tasks Modular text structure Content reuse for target groups Independent use for all markets platforms media
Analyse and planning Analysis and planning
Analysis and planning What do the others do? Analyse and planning Analysis and planning What do the others do? Are there rules for rule-based writing? Relevant literature, in-house guidelines What resources are available? What additional resources can be acquired? Get in contact with research and educational institutions
Analysis and planning What benefits do we want? Save costs Analyse and planning Analysis and planning What benefits do we want? Content standards Writing for translation Save costs Work out the project phases Integrate the project into day-to-day business
Implementation Implementation
Implementation Collect rules and create a guideline Use language checker Set up a pilot project Implement the rules across the entire company
Requirements and rules Implementation Requirements and rules Make rules clear and simple Content Standards Use accessible formats Use short sentences Use the same terms Writing for translation Use clear and simple wordings Avoid jargons / false friends
Results Results
Results Results Quality-checked content – legal, linguistic, technical and cultural correctness Reuse the content in different documents and platforms for different products and target groups
To succeed in business it is necessary to make others see Zitat To succeed in business it is necessary to make others see things as you see them. Aristoteles Onassis
Links Images Zitat Results Starting point: Vision and Goal: Analysis and planning: Implementation: Results: Zitat