City of Richmond Abatement Illegal Dumping Program Infrastructure Maintenance & Operations City of Richmond Abatement Illegal Dumping Program Tim Higares, Director Infrastructure Maintenance and Operations
BROKEN WINDOW THEORY Based on an experiment conducted by the aforementioned social scientist concluded: Neglected property allowed to remain in poor condition is a signal to the neighborhood that no one cares. The relationship between crime and neighborhood deterioration is a leading justification for comprehensive code enforcement programs. In the case of property maintenance violations and public nuisance violations like graffiti, abandoned buildings, and inoperable vehicles it is established that prompt eradication reduces re-occurrence. “Crime and disorder are inextricably linked with the physical environment at the community level.” James Q. Wilson and George L. Kelling
Quick Facts Population 103,701 Land Area 33.7 square miles 32 miles of shoreline
2015 Statistics Removed 1,522 tons of illegally dumped trash from 17,176 locations Collected 2,728 illegally dumped mattresses Removed 1,829 illegally dumped tires
IMPACT OF ILLEGAL DUMPING The epidemic of illegal dumping impacts public health, safety, property values and the quality of life in our communities. Materials dumped range from construction, demolition, yard and household waste, abandoned vehicles, auto parts, tires, appliances and furniture, to more serious medical and hazardous waste.
IMPACT OF ILLEGAL DUMPING The problem overwhelms the resources of law enforcement, code enforcement and public health agencies in many California communities. The lack of adequate funding for education and enforcement and the need for more stringent penalties are important factors in the continued growth of illegal dumping. Illegal dumping is not a victimless crime. However, too often violators face minimal consequences for illegal dumping offences.
The Public Safety Dangers of Illegal Dumping Health Risks – Children playing near dump sites are exposed to sharp items and dangerous chemicals. Vermin – Rotting trash attracts rodents and insects. Discarded waste tires are an ideal breeding ground for mosquitoes (particularly problematic with the spread of the West Nile Virus). Water Quality – Runoff from illegal waste sites may contain chemicals that contaminate wells and other sources of drinking water. “Broken Window Crime” – Illegal dumping is the type of crime described by researchers James O. Wilson and George L. Kelling in the March 1982 Atlantic Monthly article “Broken Windows.” Wilson and Kelling reported that when concentrated efforts to improve the enforcement of minor laws such as illegal dumping laws are instituted, there is a corresponding reduction in all crime.
Strategies for Prevention Sufficient legal alternatives and convenient dump sites Education on the hazards and costs of illegal dumping/community outreach Enforcing local laws and ordinances
Strategies for Prevention Enforcement includes recognition of other “quality of life” or code enforcement issues that contribute to illegal dumping: Illegal street vending Salvage and auto dismantling operations Waste tire operations Homeless encampments Illegal waste haulers Illegal transfer sites
Community Outreach/Education Another component of our approach is to make a special effort to involve the community. We meet with local representatives and attend neighborhood council meetings to educate the community about the problems associated with illegal dumping. Staff also informs the community about special bulky item pick ups and neighborhood clean-ups.
22 Alleyways
HOMELESS ENCAMPMENTS Abate Approx. 4/month
HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (PAINT/OIL) Average of 50 Gallons per week
Abatement is a “One-Stop-Shop” Illegal dumping abatement and enforcement Weed abatement and enforcement Graffiti abatement and enforcement City wide boarding of vacant/foreclosed properties Demolition of Unsafe Structures
Efficient coordination for all stakeholders Enhanced enforcement opportunities “Buy In” from the District Attorney and the Police Department Successful prosecution of illegal dumpers Restitution – Those caught and successfully prosecuted are forced to pick up trash and remove graffiti throughout the city.
Flash Cam