Welcome to Back to School Night! Please sign in at the front table. Find your child's seat. Enjoy the letter they wrote to you and write back! Sign up as a mystery reader at the front table if interested. If you would like, pick up a piece of colored paper from the front table and write an encouraging note or picture for us to hang up in the room. Thanks! Mrs. Krasselt & Ms. Gulla
Welcome to Back-to-School Night! Amanda Peterman & Megan Andrews
Our Daily Schedule 8:05-8:30 Morning Meeting 8:30-9:30 Science/ Humanities 9:30-10:05 Daily 5 10:10- 10:50 The Arts 10:50-11:05 Snack 11:10-12:10 Math 12:10-12:40 Math Centers 12:40-1:20 Recess/Lunch 1:25- 2:10 Writing 2:10-3:05 Module 3:15-3:45 Dismissal
Room 304’s Arts Schedule A Day PE Ms. Coll B Day Design Tech Mr. Falcone C Day Music Mrs. Windle D Day Spanish Senorita Mikalic E Day Art Mrs. Phillips
Classroom Rules Be respectful and always keep a positive attitude. Make smart choices! Follow directions the first time given. Listen when others are speaking. Always do your best!
Our Logical Consequences Take a break Helps us calm down to avoid getting angry, upset, or distracted You break it you fix it Teaches us to be a problem solver Loss of privilege Helps motivate us to make a better choice next time
How to Contact Me… Erica Krasselt Email: ekrasselt@schoollane.org Phone: 215-245-6055 ext. 303 Katie Gulla Email: kgulla@schoollane.org Phone: 215-245-6055 ext. 628 Class Website
Notes to the Teacher Please bring in notes for: Early dismissals Change of transportation Absences Missing after school clubs
Math Curriculum Place Value and Rounding Multi-Digit addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division Elapsed time Understanding fractions and decimals Geometry Adding and subtracting fractions Units of measurement Data, graphs, and probability Problem solving
Language Arts Expeditionary Learning New curriculum! This is a project-based reading program that authentically teaches skills using novels and primary sources. Use of learning targets Written in student-friendly language Students can self-assess target mastery Fist to five
Scholastic Book Orders Reading for fun is a crucial part of becoming a self-learner. Book orders can encourage this! You can either order online or by sending the order form and a check to me. Online code: NMFM7
Writing Curriculum Focus Content Organization Style Conventions Spelling Grammar and Mechanics **Writings will always be graded based on a rubric.
Types of Writing Expository – explain Narrative – tell a story Descriptive – use vivid details Persuasive – to attempt to change point of view Poetry Journal writing
Humanities Colonial Times American Revolution Pennsylvania Government
Science Electricity Light Sound
Other Important Information Snack time We have a 15 minute snack break at 11:00 am. Please provide your child with a healthy snack each day. Water only for drinks. Bedtime A regular bedtime is a good habit that will demonstrate to your child that school is important! 10 hours is still needed for this age group! Breakfast Starting off the day with a healthy breakfast is another way to ensure your child’s success in school. They will feel more energized and ready to face the day with a full stomach. Room Temperature & Uniform The temperature in our room tends to fluctuate. Students can wear a School Lane sweater if they are cold Students may not wear a non-uniform sweater or sweatshirt. Students may wear a long sleeve shirt under the uniform shirt. Other Important Information
Mystery Readers!!! Please sign up to be a Mystery Reader! Every Friday at 2:45 Students will be given clues through out the week about the mystery reader Sign-up is on the front table if interested. I will email you the Friday before for your clues!
Dress Code On gym days, students must wear gray or black shorts or sweatpants. Do not have to have SLCS logo No leggings SLCS logo t-shirt or sweatshirt. Sneakers If a student does not follow dress code regulations, s/he will be sent to the office to call home for a change of clothing
Friday Folder Friday folders will come home most Fridays. Please sign the sheet and let me know if you have any questions. This is a way for us to communicate about your child’s weekly progress!
Homework Policy Math homework will be checked daily for completion. Students must complete homework even if it is late. Reading homework will not be tracked No spelling this year We will be authentically teaching and practicing spelling in context during Writing and Daily 5.
IB Learner Profile Characteristics Communicator Risk taker Resilient Caring Responsible Student-lead tracker chart in classroom to encourage students