The Network Annual Charter School Summer Summit Using TSDS PEIMS Reports to Validate PEIMS Data Submissions June 30, 2017
Presenter Glenn Shelton Texas Education Agency Information Technology Services, Business Management Division
Agenda What is PEIMS? Why is quality PEIMS data important? When is PEIMS data collected? How do you ensure data quality? PEIMS Data Quality Review Questions Summary and Questions
What is PEIMS? PEIMS data consists of Education Organization, Finance, Course Section, Staff and Student information used in the data reporting and analysis that are performed by the Texas Education Agency. This includes: State and Federal reporting Texas public school accountability ratings Foundation School Program funding calculations Reference TSDS TEDS PEIMS Data Standards, section 8.2.0
Why is quality PEIMS data important? Poor quality data can: Adversely affect your charter’s Funding and Accountability Ratings Cause inaccurate data to be used in TEA’s State and Federal reporting Trigger an audit by TEA’s Financial Compliance Division Be considered during Charter School renewals, expansions, closure determinations
When is PEIMS data collected? PEIMS data is collected four times each school year. The collections are: Collection 1 - Fall Snapshot (enrollment, budget and student leaver data) Collection 2 - Mid-Year (prior year financial actual data) Collection 3 - Summer (attendance, course sections, discipline, restraint, …data ) Collection 4 - Extended Year (summer program data) - (optional) Collection 1 represents the state of the LEA as of the Fall Snapshot date, which is the last Friday in October, whether or not this is a day of instruction. LEAs shall report all students served and staff employed on that date. Leaver data are reported based on leaver status as of the last Friday in September. ESCs and LEAs shall report current school year budget data. • PEIMS Collection 2 is a report of actual financial data for the prior school year. • PEIMS Collection 3 includes yearlong student attendance, course completion, disciplinary actions, restraint events, course sections, and teacher class assignments. • PEIMS Collection 4 includes student extended year services, credit recovery, flexible attendance, and dual credit course completion. Each Collection has a 1st Submission and an optional Resubmission. Superintendents are required to Approve all Completed submissions. The Collection schedule for each school year is published in the TEDS PEIMS Data Standards for that school year, section 8.1
How to Ensure Data Quality Accurate – if a student is participating is a Bilingual/ESL program, is that student coded as such? Complete – are all your students being reported? Tools: Data validation rules Reports
How to Ensure Data Quality TSDS PEIMS provides LEAs the ability to load and validate your data and verify it for accuracy and completeness. Data validation provides data validation rules to either prevent or warn you that you have loaded incorrect or potentially inaccurate data. Fatal errors must be resolved before you can complete and approve your submission. Special Warnings alert you to potential data issues that should be reviewed to determine if correction is necessary.
How to Ensure Data Quality TSDS PEIMS also provides reports you can use to review what you have loaded and validated for completeness and accuracy. The appropriate administrative team members should review data pertinent to their area of responsibilities. - Once the PEIMS Coordinator has the data to a point where the fatal errors have been corrected, the Admin team may need to assist in reviewing the Special Warnings to determine whether they are applicable or not. - Review the Summary reports to make sure the data makes sense. - Does it reflect your expectations? - Do the numbers seem right? - Is data reported correctly? For instance, you don’t offer CTE courses, yet have a non-zero CTE student count or visa-versa. - Use roster reports for deeper analysis if you see a problem in the summary reports.
PEIMS Data Quality Review Questions Validation Special Warnings and Warnings Some Special Warnings and Warnings can be legitimately explained, others point out some sort of a coding issue that should be resolved. Reference Handout page 1
Validation Special Warnings and Warnings 1. It is legitimate that there is no enrollment at a DAEP campus during a given school year. - OK 2. It is legitimate that there is no CTE program at a JJAEP campus. - OK 3. The Population Served for CTE courses should be coded as 05 (CTE) or 06 (Special Education) students. Correct these. Likely applies to many students. 4. In this example, the NON-CAMPUS-BASED-INSTRUCTION-CODE is set to 02, meaning Electronic/Internet/Correspondence Based/Video Conferencing Course which is not valid for a CTE course. Correct the NON-CAMPUS-BASED-INSTRUCTION-CODE. 5. For a Special Education student, there is no indicator as to why the student is coded Special Education. May need to either code one or more of those indicators or change the Special-Education-Indicator-Code. 6. By the 11th grade, all students participating in the FHSP should have selected an endorsement. May be OK, if the student elected to not pursue an endorsement after the 10th grade.
PEIMS Data Quality Review Questions Attendance Data According to our PEIMS data, What diagnostic messages were encountered? TSDS PEIMS Campus Attendance Diagnostic Messages TSDS PEIMS Report PDM3-130-006 Reference Handout page 2 This is a great report to start with, in addition to the error reports, look to see if the Diagnostic messages received make sense.
PDM3-130-006 Reference Handout page 2 Notice that the first message would indicate a normal situation Days Present = days eligible + days ineligible Days Membership = days absent + days eligible + days ineligible or days present + days absent Attendance Rate = (days present/days membership) * 100 Refined Average Daily Attendance (RADA) (Total eligible days present in 1st six weeks) ÷ (days taught for 1st six weeks) (Total eligible days present in 2nd six weeks) ÷ (days taught for 2nd six weeks) (Total eligible days present in 3rd six weeks) ÷ (days taught for 3rd six weeks) (Total eligible days present in 4th six weeks) ÷ (days taught for 4th six weeks) (Total eligible days present in 5th six weeks) ÷ (days taught for 5th six weeks) + (Total eligible days present in 6th six weeks) ÷ (days taught for 6th six weeks) = Result Result ÷ 6 = refined ADA
PEIMS Data Quality Review Questions Attendance Data According to our PEIMS data, How many (distinct) students are/were in attendance in our LEA during the school year? What is the days membership for each grade level? How many days membership for boys? How many days membership for girls? How many days membership for each grade level? How many students are in each accountability student group? (Ethnicity/Race) Disaggregation of PEIMS Summer Attendance Data TSDS PEIMS Report PDM3-120-004 Reference Handout page 3 This report has an equivalent version for the Fall and Extended Year collections. Days Present = days eligible + days ineligible Days Membership = days absent + days eligible + days ineligible or days present + days absent You can get a rough estimate of Student count by dividing Days Membership by days taught Attendance Rate = (days present/days membership) * 100 Refined Average Daily Attendance (RADA) (Total eligible days present in 1st six weeks) ÷ (days taught for 1st six weeks) (Total eligible days present in 2nd six weeks) ÷ (days taught for 2nd six weeks) (Total eligible days present in 3rd six weeks) ÷ (days taught for 3rd six weeks) (Total eligible days present in 4th six weeks) ÷ (days taught for 4th six weeks) (Total eligible days present in 5th six weeks) ÷ (days taught for 5th six weeks) + (Total eligible days present in 6th six weeks) ÷ (days taught for 6th six weeks) = Result Result ÷ 6 = refined ADA
PDM3-120-004, page 1 Days Present = days eligible + days ineligible Days Membership = days absent + days eligible + days ineligible or days present + days absent Attendance Rate = (days present/days membership) * 100 Refined Average Daily Attendance (RADA) (Total eligible days present in 1st six weeks) ÷ (days taught for 1st six weeks) (Total eligible days present in 2nd six weeks) ÷ (days taught for 2nd six weeks) (Total eligible days present in 3rd six weeks) ÷ (days taught for 3rd six weeks) (Total eligible days present in 4th six weeks) ÷ (days taught for 4th six weeks) (Total eligible days present in 5th six weeks) ÷ (days taught for 5th six weeks) + (Total eligible days present in 6th six weeks) ÷ (days taught for 6th six weeks) = Result Result ÷ 6 = refined ADA
PEIMS Data Quality Review Questions Attendance questions continued According to our PEIMS data, How many students/days membership are in special populations? How many economic disadvantaged students? How many special-ed students/days membership ? How many foster care students? How many military connected students? How many homeless students? Disaggregation of PEIMS Summer Attendance Data TSDS PEIMS Report PDM3-120-004 Reference Handout page 4
PDM3-120-004, page 2 Days Present = days eligible + days ineligible Days Membership = days absent + days eligible + days ineligible or days present + days absent Attendance Rate = (days present/days membership) * 100 Refined Average Daily Attendance (RADA) (Total eligible days present in 1st six weeks) ÷ (days taught for 1st six weeks) (Total eligible days present in 2nd six weeks) ÷ (days taught for 2nd six weeks) (Total eligible days present in 3rd six weeks) ÷ (days taught for 3rd six weeks) (Total eligible days present in 4th six weeks) ÷ (days taught for 4th six weeks) (Total eligible days present in 5th six weeks) ÷ (days taught for 5th six weeks) + (Total eligible days present in 6th six weeks) ÷ (days taught for 6th six weeks) = Result Result ÷ 6 = refined ADA
PEIMS Data Quality Review Questions Attendance Data According to our PEIMS data, How many days taught per six-week reporting period? What is the percent of attendance? How many bilingual/ESL students attended our school? What is BIL/ESL ADA? How many ineligible (for Average Daily Attendance) students attended our school? How many Mainstream special education students attended our school? How much mainstream ADA? Superintendent's Summary Report of Student Attendance TSDS PEIMS Report PDM3-130-008 Reference Handout page 5 Report shows data by each 6 wk period in the top section , and cumulative across periods in the bottom section Days Present = days eligible + days ineligible Days Membership = days absent + days eligible + days ineligible or days present + days absent Attendance Rate = (days present/days membership) * 100 Refined Average Daily Attendance (RADA) (Total eligible days present in 1st six weeks) ÷ (days taught for 1st six weeks) (Total eligible days present in 2nd six weeks) ÷ (days taught for 2nd six weeks) (Total eligible days present in 3rd six weeks) ÷ (days taught for 3rd six weeks) (Total eligible days present in 4th six weeks) ÷ (days taught for 4th six weeks) (Total eligible days present in 5th six weeks) ÷ (days taught for 5th six weeks) + (Total eligible days present in 6th six weeks) ÷ (days taught for 6th six weeks) = Result Result ÷ 6 = refined ADA
PDM3-130-008 Report shows data by each 6 wk period in the top section , and cumulative across periods in the bottom section Total column, where ADA is reported, the total amount is divided by 6 Days Present = days eligible + days ineligible Days Membership = days absent + days eligible + days ineligible or days present + days absent Attendance Rate = (days present/days membership) * 100 RADA = eligible days/ days taught/6 Can get a rough idea of student counts by dividing number of days by days taught. Just remember that the result will include distinct student, e.g. those who may have partial membership during a given reporting period.
PEIMS Data Quality Review Questions Attendance Data continued According to our PEIMS data, How many students were reported in Pregnancy Related Services attendance? How many days of school did we offer versus report? (District and Campus) Superintendent's Report of Student Attendance TSDS PEIMS Report PDM3-130-001 Reference Handout page 6 This report shows details by each 6 week reporting period and totals on page 7
PDM3-130-001 Row B total column will match days membership on the PDM2-120-004 report Total column, where ADA is reported, the total amount is divided by 6 Days Present = days eligible + days ineligible Days Membership = days absent + days eligible + days ineligible or days present + days absent Attendance Rate = (days present/days membership) * 100 RADA = eligible days/ days taught/6
PEIMS Data Quality Review Questions Graduation Data According to our PEIMS data, How many students are we going to graduate? How many student are pursuing the Foundation High School Program? How many students are graduating from the Foundation High School Program? Student Foundation High School Program Roster by Grade TSDS PEIMS Report PDM3-120-009 Reference Handout page 7
PEIMS Data Quality Review Questions School Organization Data According to our PEIMS data, What grade levels are we reporting on each campus? Are all campuses and grade levels reported? Superintendent's Report of Student Attendance TSDS PEIMS Report PDM3-130-001 Reference Handout page 8
PDM3-130-001 Run reports by Campus
PEIMS Data Quality Review Questions School Organization Data According to our PEIMS data, Did we report the correct Student and Community Engagement Indicators? Did we report Statutory Reporting and Policy Compliance Rating? Organization Performance Ratings TSDS PEIMS Report PDM3-116-001 Reference Handout page 9
PDM3-116-001 LEA level on first page
PDM3-116-001 Campus Level.
PEIMS Data Quality Review Questions Student Discipline Data According to our PEIMS data, How many were expelled? Sent to a DAEP? For what discipline reasons did we expel students? How many students were suspended? In-school suspension? Out-of-school suspension? Student Disciplinary Action Detail by Reasons/Actions TSDS PEIMS Reports PDM3-132-002, PDM3-132- 003, PDM3-132-006 Reference Handout page 10, 11, and 12
PDM3-132-002 PDM3-132-002 - by Action Reason Code (04 = Possessed, Sold, Used, Or Was Under The Influence Of Marihuana Or Other Controlled Substance)
PDM3-132-003 Action code 01 = Expulsion (without placement in another educational setting) 02 = Expulsion (with placement in another educational setting) 03 = Expulsion (with on campus DAEP placement) 04 = Expulsion (with off campus DAEP placement) 05 = Out-of-School Suspension 06 = In-school suspension 07 = Placement in DAEP
PEIMS Data Quality Review Questions Student Course Completion Data According to our PEIMS data, How many students passed their courses? How many failed? How many are incomplete? How many different courses did we teach? How many classroom teachers are we reporting? How many dual credit courses are we reporting? How many advanced placement courses are we reporting? Number of Students Completing Courses by Pass/Fail Indicator TSDS PEIMS Reports PDM3-133-001 & PDM3-133-002 Reference Handout page 13 and 14
PDM3-133-001 01 = Passes w/ credit 02 = Failed 1st 03 = Failed 2nd 04 = Passed, no credit due to excessive absences 10 = Passed,, course repeated for mastery 13 = Non-high school passed 14 = Non-high school failed
PEIMS Data Quality Review Questions Student Title I Data According to our PEIMS data, What kind of Title I programs do we offer? Schoolwide? Targeted Assistance? What Title I services do we offer to Targeted Assistance students? Title I Part A Student Summary by Grade / Campus TSDS PEIMS Reports PDM3-134-001& PDM3-134-002 Reference Handout page 15 and 16
PDM3-134-001 Note differences in counts, see note at bottom of page. Use campus level reports to identify which students if you need to.
PEIMS Data Quality Review Questions Student Restraint Data According to our PEIMS data, How many student restraints took place at our schools? How many law enforcement restraints are we reporting? How many non-law enforcement restraints are we reporting? Student Restraint Events by Grade TSDS PEIMS Report PDM3-125-003 Reference Handout page 17
PDM3-125-003 Selections are (must select); Primary Disability Instructional Setting Restraint Reason Restraint Staff Type
PEIMS Data Quality Review Questions Student Residence Data According to our PEIMS data, Which public school districts are my charter school students coming from? Are we reporting students from school districts that are not part of our authorized geographic boundaries? Attendance by District of Residence TSDS PEIMS Report PDM3-130-009 Reference Handout page 18
Summary and Questions? Data Quality is Important. Poor quality data can place an LEA in violation of any number of TEC, TAC and/or Federal requirements It means TEA’s state and federal reporting are not as accurate as they should be It can cost you Funding and affect your Accountability It may influence future charter expansion or renewal decisions It may perk the interest of the TEA Financial Compliance Division Remember your 6th grade students!