FOOD AND FITNESS Mrs. Swope Developing Flexibility
What is flexibility? Is the ability to move joints and tissue surrounding the joint through a full range of motion.(ROM) The more movable the joint is the more flexible it is. Flexibility varies from person to person.
Who should do flexibility exercises? It is important for everyone, regardless of age or flexibility.
Why is it important to maintain flexibility? To preserve ROM To maintain flexibility To prevent injury during exercise To prepare muscles for more vigorous exercise To help develop body awareness To promote circulation
How often should you stretch? Frequency: At least 3 times per week Intensity: To a point of mild discomfort Duration: Hold for 10-30 seconds Repetitions: Do 3-5 for each stretch
What are the different types of stretches? STATIC: the muscle is lengthened slowly and held for 1-30 seconds. BALLISTIC: uses rapid, bouncing movements to force the muscle to lengthen. This type of stretching is not recommended. DYNAMIC: Is a slow, controlled swinging movement, usually as part of a warm up. Risk of injury if done incorrectly.
Static Stretches
Static Stretches
Dynamic Stretching
Dynamic Stretching
Dynamic Stretching
Stretching Guidelines Use static stretching Always warm up for 5-10 minutes before stretching muscles Stretch before and after exercise Stretch between weightlifting sets Stretch before and after cardio exercise
Joint Structure To understand flexibility it is important to understand joint structure. Bones come together to form joints. Joints contain ligaments which connect bone to bone. Tendons attach muscle to bone.
Joint Structure BALL AND SOCKET: most movable, moves in all directions. Examples: shoulder, hip
Ball and Socket Joint
Ball and Socket Joint
Joint Structure HINGE JOINT: moves in only two ways. Examples: knee, elbow, fingers
Hinged Joint: Knee
Hinged Joint: Elbow
Importance of Flexibility Sitting for long periods can shorten the muscles, limiting movement, leading to back pain. Athletes require a higher degree of flexibility. Flexibility requirements vary from sport to sport. Flexible muscles can provide more power. Stretching should always be a part of conditioning