Czech-Slovak Corridor


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Presentation transcript:

Czech-Slovak Corridor 10. 6. 2013 Czech-Slovak Corridor Corridor One-Stop Shop (C-OSS), pre-arranged paths (PaPs) and reserve capacity Miroslav ZUBER, ŽSR PCS NG Training – 8. + 9.2.2017, Budapest

10. 6. 2013

Corridor One-Stop Shop (C-OSS) 10. 6. 2013 Corridor One-Stop Shop (C-OSS) Represented C-OSS provided by IM's employees The C-OSS office is changing every year between SŽDC and ŽSR on rotating principle at the term of timetable change (2016 – SŽDC, 2017 – ŽSR, 2018 – SŽDC, 2019 – ŽSR) C-OSS languages: Czech / Slovak, English C-OSS rules approved in November 2013 New Book 4 is published for TT 2018 (English version , harmonized with other RFCs)

10. 6. 2013 Tasks of the C-OSS Give information regarding access to the Corridor infrastructure Give information regarding procedures for the allocation of dedicated capacity on the Corridor Allocate the Corridor pre-arranged paths (PaPs) and the reserve capacity and communicate with the IM of the Corridor regarding the allocation Shall be able to provide information regarding traffic management procedures on the Corridor Shall be able to provide information regarding traffic management procedures in the event of disturbances

Rules for Capacity allocation 10. 6. 2013 Rules for Capacity allocation General information PaPs accessible via PCS only Fixed TT on border crossing sections Flex approach used on national sections Path request must cross the border on a RFC corridor (possibly in F/O) Non RU Applicant must sign agreement with C-OSS (details on website of RFC 9) All details described in CID Book 4

Rules for Capacity allocation 10. 6. 2013 Rules for Capacity allocation Reserve Capacity 2017: Deadline for path request is set to 30 days before train run Final TT delivered 10 days before train run at latest. PaP offer 2018: Deadline for path requests at X-11 on 10.4.2017 Draft Offer at X-5 Applicant observations from X-5 till X-4 Final Offer at X-4

Pre-arranged Paths – Timetable 2018 – W-E (1) 10. 6. 2013 Pre-arranged Paths – Timetable 2018 – W-E (1)

Pre-arranged Paths – Timetable 2018 – W-E (2) 10. 6. 2013 Pre-arranged Paths – Timetable 2018 – W-E (2)

Pre-arranged Paths – Timetable 2018 – E-W (1) 10. 6. 2013 Pre-arranged Paths – Timetable 2018 – E-W (1)

Pre-arranged Paths – Timetable 2018 – E-W (2) 10. 6. 2013 Pre-arranged Paths – Timetable 2018 – E-W (2)

Pre-arranged Paths – Timetable 2018 – E-W (3)

Thank you for your attention! 10. 6. 2013 Thank you for your attention! RFC 9 C-OSS Správa železniční dopravní cesty, s.o. Křižíkova 552/2, 186 00 Praha 8, Czech Republic Phone: + 420 972 244 556 (head of office) + 420 972 244 606 Železnice Slovenskej republiky Klemensova 8, 813 61 Bratislava Slovak Republic Phone: + 421 2 2029 3024 + 421 2 2029 3025 E-mail: Web:,,, 12