Air Force Benefits 2 2 2 1 2
Overview Pay Allowances Basic Pay Special Pay Incentive Pay BAH BAS Uniform 3 3 3 3 3
Overview (continued) Leave Medical Legal Liturgical Educational Programs Air Force Institute of Technology Tuition Assistance Post 9/11 GI Bill 4
Types of Pay $pe¢ial Ba$i¢ In¢entive 9 9 9 9
Basic Pay Based On: Grade Time In Service 10 10 10 10
Special Pay Individuals who use specialized skills… or are assigned in specified locations.
Incentive Pay Individuals required to perform hazardous duties, regardless of location Aviation Career Incentive Pay Hazardous Duty Incentive Pay
Allowances Basic Allowance For Housing (BAH) Basic Allowance For Subsistence (BAS) Uniform And Equipment Allowance 16 16 16 16
Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) Not paid while living on base Based on: Grade Dependency Status Geographic Location 17 17 17 17
Same for all officers $253.38 per month Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) Same for all officers $253.38 per month 20 20 20 20
Uniform and Equipment Allowance Often referred to as “Clothing Allowance” Officers One time payment of $400 Enlisted Annual Payment (on anniversary of member’s enlistment date) 21 21 21 21
Types of Leave Ordinary—Planned vacation; counts against leave balance Sick Or Convalescent—Does not count against leave balance Emergency—Unplanned; counts against leave balance 37 37 37 37
= Leave Accrual 30 days/yr 2 1/2 Days Earned Month 2 1/2 Days Earned = 30 days/yr You are always earning leave! Use or lose policy: 60-day carry over 36 36 36 36
Medical Services Medical Treatment Facility (MTF) Every location has an MTF varying in size from a clinic to a hospital Deployed locations have an Air Transportable Hospital Tricare—Military Health Care Program Medical and dental care provided to active duty Airman Available to family members and retirees 3 3 3 12 3
Legal Services Staff Judge Advocate (SJA) provides free legal assistance to military members and their families Civil Law—Notary services, power of attorney, wills, lease reviews, and tax assistance Claims—Associated with moves (PCS) Area Defense Counsel (ADC) provides legal advice and representation Military Law Only—Administrative actions, disciplinary actions, and criminal matters 3 3 3 12 3
Liturgical Services Provide spiritual services for base population Confidential counseling Morale 3 3 3 12 3
Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) Education/training to meet technological, scientific, medical, and other professional requirements of the Air Force Offers undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs Three full tuition assistance AFIT programs At Wright Patterson Air Force Base In civilian universities In civilian industries 3 3 3 5 3
Tuition Assistance Available to active duty members Encourages personnel to pursue voluntary, off-duty advanced educational opportunities Air Force pays 100% of tuition costs Cap of $250/semester hour or $166/quarter hour Maximum of $4500 per fiscal year Individual responsible for all remaining costs, e.g., fees, books, etc. 3 3 3 12 3
Post 9/11 GI Bill Available to all service members service after 11 September 2001 Must have at least 90 days of honorable service Full benefits received after 36 months service Benefits can be transferred to dependents Check with base education office for stipulations
Questions ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 54 54 54 54
Summary Pay Allowances Basic Pay Special Pay Incentive Pay BAH BAS Uniform 3 3 3 3 3
Summary (continued) Leave Medical Legal Liturgical Educational Programs Air Force Institute of Technology Tuition Assistance Post 9/11 GI Bill 4