School Development Officer WAN – Offboarding #2 What should schools do? Ian Gover School Development Officer
Information you need Primary Schools have a 10 mbps (Mega bits per second) connection Secondary Schools have a 100 mbps connection How many learners do you have? How many devices do you have? Does the schools have a plan to extend use?
How much bandwidth do you use?
Size of connection - Primary For a primary school with 200 pupils and 40 connected devices at 2mbps 40 devices = 80Mb and assuming 1 in 10 devices are simultaneously active at times of peak usage = 8 Mbps 2012 2017 8 Mbps 30 Mbps - 2012
Size of connection - Secondary 2Mbps per user download for a school with 400 devices = 800Mb. Allowing for 1 in 10 devices being active simultaneously at times of peak demand means that the connection capacity should be 80Mbps. The best connected schools in the UK have 1 Gbps connections. 2012 2017 80 Mbps 297 Mbps - 2012
eLIM advice Secondary schools should consider buying a 1 gig link – throttle back to 100 or 200 mbps Most primary schools will be okay with superfast broadband
But if no Superfast Broadband.. ADSL – check the speed Bonded – two lines glued together Some Primary schools will need a fibre connection
What questions should I ask? What are the predicted speeds? Is the connection ‘contended’ What filtering is there? Does the school have control? What monitoring is there?
What questions should I ask? #2 How much money do I have? How many years is the contract? What are the Service Level Agreements?
Somerset WAN New Connection Month 1 Information about closure date Ask for quote, look at quotes Month 2 Confirm quote Month 3 Site survey Month 4 Send cessation notice Install Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Change connection Month 8 Withdraw of connection
Getting advice and quotes Ask eLIM – independent advice Support throughout the whole process Paid for through schools ‘core’ money Connections with broadband providers 3 quotes Supports school to unpack the technical terms
Once decided Site survey Work with school technical support Connection date Request for cessation to eLIM Cessation date – one month overlap? Inform SIMS team