Condensation polymerisation Polyesters and Polyamides L.O.s Describe condensation polymerisation to form polyesters and polyamides such as Terylene, poly(lactic acid), Nylon-6,6 and Kevlar®. State the use of polyesters and polyamides as fibres in clothing. Identify the monomer(s) required to form a given section of a polymer and vice versa. Describe the acid and base hydrolysis of polyesters and polyamides.
Rearrange the words to define ‘Condensation’ which two small such as water molecules react is a reaction in a larger molecule, of a small molecule with the elimination together to form Is a reaction in which two small molecules react together to form a larger molecule, with the elimination of a small molecule such as water.
Polyesters Hydroxycarboxylic acid monomer Diol and dicarboxylic acid monomers What other type of monomer could be used to produce a polyester?
Terylene Monomers are: Ethane-1,2-diol Benzene-1,4-dicarboxylic acid Give two uses for polyesters. Draw the monomers. Draw one repeat unit. Identify the ester linkage.
Repeat unit: HO-CH2CH2-OH Ester linkage Monomers: Ethane-1,2-diol Benzene-1,4-dicarboxylic acid Repeat unit: HO-CH2CH2-OH n Ester linkage
Poly(lactic acid) A biopolymer, made from maize. It is biodegradable. Used for food and drinks cartons. The one monomer is 2-hydroxypropanoic acid.
Polyamides What type of monomers would be needed to produce polyamides? Amino acid monomer Diamine and dicarboxylic acid monomers
Nylon-6,6 Monomers are: 1,6-diaminohexane Hexane-1,4-dioic acid Draw the monomers. Draw the repeat unit. Identify the amide link.
Repeat unit: amide link Monomers: 1,6-diaminohexane Hexane-1,4-dioic acid Repeat unit: n amide link
Kevlar Monomers are: Benzene-1,4-diamine Benzene-1,4-dioic acid Give two uses of kevlar. Draw the monomers. Draw the repeat unit.
Monomers: Benzene-1,4-diamine Benzene-1,4-dioic acid Repeat unit:
Hydrolysis of polyesters The conditions are always aqueous acid or aqueous alkali. (Aqueous in hydrolysis means breaking a bond with water). Heat
Hydrolysis of polyesters Base hydrolysis NaOH / H2O Acid hydrolysis H+ / H2O Produces the sodium salt of the carboxylic acid and the alcohol. Produces the carboxylic acid and the alcohol. (Slower than alkaline) Draw the products of both types of hydrolysis
Acid hydrolysis H+ / H2O Base hydrolysis NaOH / H2O
Hydrolysis of polyamides The conditions are always aqueous acid or aqueous alkali. (Aqueous in hydrolysis means breaking a bond with water). Heat
Hydrolysis of polyamides Acid hydrolysis H+ / H2O Base hydrolysis NaOH / H2O Produces the sodium salt of the carboxylic acid and the diamine. Produces the dicarboxylic acid and the ammonium salt of the diamine. (Slower than alkaline) Draw the products of both types of hydrolysis
Acid hydrolysis H+ / H2O Base hydrolysis NaOH / H2O