Fashion — time domination of certain style in any sphere of life or culture. Defines style or type of clothes, ideas, behavior, etiquette, a way of life, arts, literatures, kitchens, architecture, entertainments and etc. which is popular in a society during the certain period of time. The concept of a fashion often designates the most fragile and quickly passing popularity. The integral attribute of a fashion — a pursuit of novelty, often illusory. If the phenomenon or a subject, being fashionable any interval of time, loses novelty in the opinion of associates becomes old-fashioned. Two motives movement a fashion. First — imitation on purpose to adopt experience or the good taste, second — fear to appear out of a society, to be mocked
Clothes Fashion in clothes - is a change of forms and samples of clothing, which occurs within a relatively short period of time. This usage (to be dressed "by fashion," Fr. À la mode) back to the XVII century, when a French court fashion has become a model for all European countries. From the standpoint of art mode is close to conceptual art, because it is a combination of different elements (hair, clothing material, style, color, accessories) that create the image
The fashion industry The fashion industry - it is a certain sector of the economy that includes manufacturing and marketing of goods (including services as a commodity) conjugate sectors and consumer audience
Fashion magazines Cosmopolitan - One of the most popular magazines. Contents include articles on relationships , health, career, self-improvement, celebrities and fashion and beauty. Vogue (Vogue, fr. Mode) - a fashion magazine for women published since 1892 by the publishing house of Condé Nast Publications. Glamour - a monthly women's magazine, the first issue was published in the U.S. in 1939 and was originally called «Glamour of Hollywood» - Hollywood Glamour Vanity Fair (born "Vanity Fair") - an American magazine devoted to politics, fashion and other aspects of popular culture. Published by Condé Nast Publications.
High Fashion High Fashion (Fr. Haute couture, Italian. Alta moda, «haute couture") - the art of sewing quality. This includes the creation of the leading salons of modes that set the tone for international fashion, unique model, which are produced in the famous salons of fashion on the customer's order.
Theatre of fashion Theatre of fashion - the symbiosis of the theater, directing, set design and choreography to fashion, catwalk, unusual perception and comprehension of the trends in clothing. This kind of child or adult model agency with vivid theatrical displays of collections on specific topics.
Fashion Week Each of the cities of the world lives by its own rules of style, mixed with the stories and experiences of its residents. Every fashion-monger is looking forward to the holiday, called "Fashion Week". And despite the fact that the main trends in the fashion world and the main vector for the entire season set the world's fashion capital Paris, Milan, New York and London, the rest of the world are also trying to keep up with them. Starting since January, around the world launched the Fashion Week Autumn / Winter 2010/2011. Today we can compare the impressions of the world's couture houses and discuss fashion trends for next season.