The Best of Digital Calvin and Hobbes
As you know, I started the Best of digital Calvin and Hobbes
Here are the final results And I finished it Here are the final results
With clips from…
Super Paper Calvin
Attack of the Duplicates part I, II, III
Calvin and Hobbes on the Internet
Mortal combat Calvin and Hobbes Mishaps
and Xmas Party
Let the show begin
The Final Battle Super Paper Calvin Number 7 The Final Battle Super Paper Calvin
I was a hero I had pictures and TV Click space Finally back on earth I was a hero I had pictures and TV interviews
Click space And had my first love
Click space THE END And had my first love
Crazy Hobbes Mortal Combat Calvin and Hobbes Mishaps Number 6 Crazy Hobbes Mortal Combat Calvin and Hobbes Mishaps
Acabublbublbublbublbublbublbu!!!! Round one… FIGHT! Hobbes wins Acabublbublbublbublbublbublbu!!!! Fatality
Susie Run-away Xmas Party Number 5 Susie Run-away Xmas Party
Im here hello everyone
What did you do that for Im going home waa
Look a gift for us should we give her one back Nah Christmas has passed we can be bad again
What about boxing day
South park studios Calvin and Hobbes on the internet Number 4 South park studios Calvin and Hobbes on the internet
Are you making a south park me boys if you are can I make one of you father Yes mom
Where making a south park you What's going on Where making a south park you Make him wear a bowtie Ha ha ha
The big chase Attack of the Duplicates, part I Number 3 The big chase Attack of the Duplicates, part I
augh! I'm on fire
Bomb in the hair Super Paper Calvin Number 2 Bomb in the hair Super Paper Calvin
Click space What are you doing here
Click space Looking for
Wait a Sec Susie look out you have a bomb on your hair Click space Wait a Sec Susie look out you have a bomb on your hair
The finale fight Attack of the Duplicates, Part III Number 1 The finale fight Attack of the Duplicates, Part III
Let him out!
Lets go calvin
I learned my lesson: Never trust a duplicate
The End
But were not letting you go away empty handed Well that’s it But were not letting you go away empty handed
A preview of Super Smash Bros. Tussle! So I’m going to give you.. A preview of Super Smash Bros. Tussle!
Super Smash Bros. Tussle Play
Match-up Fight Stadium Tussle End
Note! You can only play as Calvin.
? ? ? Calvin Hobbes Spyro ? ? Mario Sonic Angemon ?
? ? ? ? ? ? Go! Calvin Hobbes Spyro Mario Sonic Angemon Field: Super smash Flash ?
Calvin Sonic
Calvin Sonic
Calvin Sonic
Calvin Sonic
Calvin Sonic
KO Calvin Sonic
? WARNING!!! Challenger approaching ALERT!!!
Calvin ????
Calvin ????
Calvin ????
KO Calvin ????
Yoshi has been unlocked!
You can do Stadium, and Do Calvin and Sonic on Match-up
Well there's the preview
Thanks for playing and watching!