Your lungs after just 20 cigarettes
Tobacco products Tobacco is a plant used for the production of tobacco-related products, such as cigarettes and chewing tobacco Tobacco leaves contain the chemical nicotine, which is a highly addictive, toxic substance The most common method of using tobacco is smoking cigarettes Other methods include – cigars, pipes, hookahs, smokeless tobacco (chew) and e-cigs
Effects on the cardiovascular system Increased heart rate and blood pressure Constricted blood vessels and buildup of plaque Carbon monoxide – a poisonous gas – interferes with the ability of blood cells to carry oxygen Increased risk of heart attack or stroke
Effects on the respiratory system The burning of tobacco produces a sticky residue called tar, which builds up in the lungs over time Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) refers to a group of diseases that make it more difficult to breath Chronic bronchitis – a condition in which the bronchial tubes swell and become irritated Emphysema – a disease that permanently enlarges lung airways and destroys lung tissue, making it difficult to breath
Effects on the respiratory system People with asthma can have an asthma attack from smoking tobacco Tobacco smoke contains over 70 carcinogens – cancer causing agents – that can lead to cancer in the mouth, throat, and lungs
Effects on the reproductive system Smoking while pregnant is linked to birth defects Infertility – the inability to conceive offspring Impotence (erectile dysfunction)
Effects on appearance and hygiene Bad breath Smelly hair and clothes Yellow, stained teeth Stained fingertips and fingernails Premature aging of the skin (wrinkles) Loss of teeth due to gum disease
Smokeless tobacco Forms – chewing tobacco, snuff, snus, dissolvable tobacco Decreased risk of lung cancer, but increased risk of mouth and throat cancer Just as, if not more, addictive than cigarettes because more nicotine is absorbed
Smokeless tobacco users
Factors that affect a decision related to tobacco Family Culture Media Peers Personal beliefs
Tips from former smokers
Methods for treating nicotine addiction Nicotine replacement – nicotine gum or patches that put nicotine into your body to help ease withdrawal symptoms Medications prescribed by a doctor Self-management strategies Stimulus control – trying to avoid tempting situations and managing feelings that lead to nicotine use Response substitution – training yourself to respond to stress with healthy methods of coping and relaxation, rather than smoking