Latin America Since 1945 Chapter 29 Bunch of Soldiers RAP
Political and Economic Developments The economic system between Latin America and Europe and America involved Latin America selling raw goods to industrialized countries and buying manufactured goods from those countries. That system failed during the depression because exports fell dramatically. Latin American countries responded by developing manufacturing industries
1960’s Most countries did not develop enough following that period. Most of them were still dependent on the US or Europe for advanced technology. The failure to grow economically led to the rise of military regimes The Military regimes closed the domestic industries and went back to importing most of their manufactured goods.
Chile: Allende And Pinochet Description of Allende in Chile Allende 1972 speech to UN Description of Peron in Argentina
1970’s and 1980’s The Import based economies begin to crumble and require insane amounts of borrowing This ultimately led to rapid inflation, wages falling and extreme unemployment In order to get out of this predicament they attempted to borrow more, but a condition of the new loans was that they would implement basic reforms.
The move to Democracy People began to connect the ongoing economic troubles to the military regimes. Throughout the late 1980’s and early 1990’s many Latin American countries pushed for democracy. It was unstable as it was not uncommon for the dictator to attempt to return to their country..
Latin American Society Because of the Economic downturn shantytowns and slums became common. This was a period of rapid growth, Latin America more than doubled in size in the past 50 years. Roles for women during this period also greatly expanded during this time, women were able to participate in numerous new occupations. In the Northern South America the drug trade expanded and destabilized numerous countries. Bolivia, Colombia and Peru became major producers of Cocaine and Marijuana
US Involvement The US for a long time has sent troops to protect it’s interests in Latin America. It even propped up dictators in some countries in order to protect it’s interests In response many Latin Americans joined the Organization of American States The OAS was created to prevent countries from intervening in the affairs of another country. That did not deter the US they continued to intervene to prevent the spread of Communism.
Latin American Culture Artists have an elevated social status in Latin America. They developed a new form of art and writing called “Magic Realism” Famous Writers and Artists: Gabriel Garcia Marquez: One Hundred Years of Solitude Oscar Niemeyer: Brazilian Architect On Himself