Tryk på F5-tasten for at starte! DO eller DOES Tryk på F5-tasten for at starte! og derefter Continue… Continue
When ___ you get up in the morning? do does Klik på det rigtige ord!
When do you get up in the morning? Correct! When do you get up in the morning? Continue
___ Martin live in Bristol? do does
Does Martin live in Bristol? Correct! Does Martin live in Bristol? Continue
___ your parents smoke many cigarettes? do does
Do your parents smoke many cigarettes? Correct! Do your parents smoke many cigarettes? Continue
She ___ like apples. don't doesn't
Correct! She doesn't like apples. Continue
We ___ like cauliflower (blomkål). don't doesn't
We don't like cauliflower (blomkål). Correct! We don't like cauliflower (blomkål). Continue
___ your sister play tennis? do does
Does your sister play tennis? Correct! Does your sister play tennis? Continue
Sheila ___ sing beautifully. don't doesn't
Sheila doesn't sing beautifully. Correct! Sheila doesn't sing beautifully. Continue
___ Thomas and Ann go to school? do does
Do Thomas and Ann go to school? Correct! Do Thomas and Ann go to school? Continue
Why ___ your father work in Birmingham? do does
Why does your father work in Birmingham? Correct! Why does your father work in Birmingham? Continue
My brother and I ___ like fish. don't doesn't
My brother and I don't like fish. Correct! My brother and I don't like fish. Continue
The garden ___ look very nice. don't doesn't
The garden doesn't look very nice. Correct! The garden doesn't look very nice. Continue
Where ___ the Prime Minister live? do does
Where does the Prime Minister live? Correct! Where does the Prime Minister live? Continue
When ___ you play football? do does
When do you play football? Correct! When do you play football? Continue
These countries ___ lie in Africa. don't doesn't
These countries don't lie in Africa. Correct! These countries don't lie in Africa. Continue
___ Chile and Bolivia both lie in South America? do does
Correct! Do Chile and Bolivia both lie in South America? Tryk på ESC-tasten for at afslutte… og luk derefter filen!
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