Identify the general structure of the human brain. Objectives Identify the general structure of the human brain. Recognize the two hemispheres of the brain. Identify the differences between right and left hemispheres. Describe the function of Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas.
Introduction The human brain is by far the most complex and highly organized structure of the body. This organ allows us to think, move, feel, see, hear, taste, and smell. It controls our body, receives, analyzes, and stores information. The brain produces electrical signals, which, together with chemical reactions, let the parts of the body communicate. Nerves send these signals throughout the body.
Cerebrum -The largest division of the brain Cerebrum -The largest division of the brain. It is divided into two hemispheres, each of which is divided into four lobes. Cerebrum Cerebellum
Longitudinal Fissure Right hemisphere Left hemisphere
Frontal lobe It is located deep to the Frontal Bone of the skull. It plays an integral role in the following functions/actions: - Memory Formation - Emotions - Decision Making/Reasoning - Personality Broca’s Area – Controls facial neurons, speech, and language comprehension. Located on Left Frontal Lobe. Broca’s Aphasia(injury to the area) – Results in the ability to comprehend speech, but the decreased motor ability (or inability) to speak and form words.
It plays a major role in the following functions/actions: Parietal lobe It plays a major role in the following functions/actions: - Senses and integrated sensation(s) Spatial awareness and perception
Its primary function is the: processing, integration, interpretation, Occipital lobe Its primary function is the: processing, integration, interpretation, VISION and visual stimuli.
Temporal lobe It plays an integral role in the following functions: Hearing Organization/Comprehension of language Information Retrieval (Memory and Memory Formation) Wernicke’s Area – Language comprehension. Located on the Left Temporal Lobe. - Wernicke’s Aphasia – Language comprehension is inhibited. Words and sentences are not clearly understood, and sentence formation may be inhibited or non-sensical.
Arcuate Fasciculus - A white matter tract that connects Broca’s Area and Wernicke’s Area through the Temporal, Parietal and Frontal Lobes. Allows for coordinated, comprehensible speech. Damage may result in: - Conduction Aphasia - Where auditory comprehension and speech articulation are preserved, but people find it difficult to repeat heard speech. Broca’s Area Wernicke’s Area
Left and Right Hemispheres Optimistic half Positive emotions- control Pessimistic half Emotional perceptions
Right hemisphere This deals with different aspects of language. Associated with right hemisphere functioning is the holistic processing and according to Krashen, this hemisphere is responsible for the storing and processing of formulaic speech.
Left hemisphere There are two main areas associated with language. BROCA’S AREA This area is located just anterior to the motor cortex which controls movements of the lips, tongue, jaw, and vocal cords. Damage to this area results in slow and laboured speech, but is does not affect comprehension. WERNICKE’S AREA This area partially surrounds the auditory cortex. Damage to this area results in speech that is fluent but also meaningless, and it also affects comprehension of language(spoken and written).
LEFT RIGHT Brain’s hemispheres One-at-a time processing. Sequential: A to B to C. Looks at details. Receptive to verifiable aspects of the world. A splitter (distinction is important). Talks, and talks and talks. Knows “how” Lineal thinking All-at-once processing Simultaneous Look at the whole Receptive to qualitative aspects of the world (feelings) A lumper (conecctedness is important, puts everything together) Mute ,uses pictures not words. Knows “what” Majestic thinking
What Cortical Region of the brain would these doctors be stimulating?
Let’s practice!!! Look over your notes, then label the brain anatomy diagram.
Answers to slide 3
Bibliography “Understanding Psychology” –Fourth Edition, Random House School Division. “Biology” Chapter 43 – Integration and control IV: The vertebrate Brain. Helena Curtis & N. Sue Barnes. “Theories of Second Language Acquisition” – Rod Ellis “The Human Brain” - Harvard University LS/HHMI High School Science - Multiple Diagrams of the Human Brain. rain.ppt - BBC homepage – the brain