FCm Travel Solutions / Concur Travel Live December 13, 2011 Mike Twohig / Sue Sherburne
Benefits Improved look, feel and navigation much like other web-based online booking products such as Expedia and Orbitz Passive Approvals – eliminates beaurcracy Approvals will automatically go to the appropriate travel approval Manager based on the employees dept ID Ability to make changes to existing reservations on line View of unused tickets Southwest Airlines promotional get away fares will be offered. No need to utilize SWABIZ Fee structure will remain the same Travel Approver Vacation Reassignment Existing profiles in RESX automatically populated to Concur New employees will have a profile set up automatically on their date of hire Trip It option (a platform that allows travelers to manage their trips from their mobile device) Tab for Invoice/Ebill copy CHES Travel Policy can be viewed in Concur Improved Reporting tools for Managers & Corporate - Auto Distribution Do not need to go to other websites to compare prices Clone/Share flights to increase efficiency for Travel Planners Smart Phone/Email approval is simplified Taxi Bookings on-line in advance
Flow Chart for New On-Line booking Tool - CONCUR Click on Quick Link to FCm Travel Solutions/ Concur Portal: https://portal.us.fcm.travel/cleanharbors From Employee Portal, click on Travel Center and select Air Travel Center
Flow Chart for New On-Line booking Tool - CONCUR Enter your Clean Harbors email address and password EX: doe.jane@cleanharbors.com (If first time user, click on Forgot your Password and follow the prompts) To book your Travel - Click on Concur Logo NOTE: If first time user, click on Profile tab and fill in the information (see next slide).
Profile Fields
Concur Travel Center Page * *Unused Tickets Info. will show in Company Notes above
Flight Options Example
Travel Approver Vacation Reassignment (for Travel Approval Managers ONLY)
Taxi Services