Transformations around the Globe 1800-1914 Chapter 12
EQ: How did western economic pressure force China to open to foreign trade and influence?
China and the West 1644 Manchu rulers set up the Qing dynasty that rules until 1911 Put strict limits on foreign interaction China saw itself as the center of the world; self-sufficient Problem: Western nations want more
Opportunity Late 1700s Qing decline Industrial Revolution in Europe West demands trade rights Britain couldn’t find a product China wants… Sells Opium Refuse to kowtow symbol foreigners accept inferior status Opium War!!!!
Read Aloud-Groups Read “The Opium War” and answer the corresponding questions
Western Imperialism Treaty of Nanjing:1st of the “unequal treaties” Must pay for destroyed opium Open trade w/ West Give Hong Kong to British By late 1800s spheres of influence develop (France, Germany, U.S., Russia, Japan and Britain) Special economic privileges; right to build RRs and factories Extraterritoriality: westerners accused of crimes get tried in western courts
Open Door Policy All nations = trade in China Set up to prevent the creation of colonies by European nations Leads to the spread of Western Ideas; including Christianity Taiping Rebellion begins as an effort to dispense of the Qing dynasty Christian religious sect leader that became militant Lasts 14 years (1850-64); roughly 20 million dead Leads to call for reforms in gov’t and society
Struggle Reform vs. Old Ways Dowager Empress CiXi ruled from 1862-1908 (except when Emperor Guangxu was in power- didn’t last wanted too many reforms for Qing officials) Very traditional, supported limited reforms Boxer Rebellion- 1900 (Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists) Foreigners and Chinese Christians killed Combined Western army crushes rebels Revolution of 1911: Qing dynasty falls, declare a republic-fall into civil war
Academic Writing Why do you think European powers established spheres of influence in China rather than colonies, as they did in Africa and other parts of Asia?
EQ: What were the similarities between European imperialism and Japanese expansion?
Japan and the West 1853 America demanded Japan open ports for trade Japanese tech no match 1854 Treaty of Kanagawa U.S. right to stop at 2 ports Can send U.S. diplomatic rep. right to extraterritoriality
Japanese Response Many angry at leaders for allowing this to happen Call to “enrich the country, strengthen the military” Japan decides to learn from the enemy; send high ranking Samurai to the U.S.
Read Read about the visit to the “Western Barbarians” answer the questions
1868 – Meiji restoration Modernize and strengthen military and government by visiting western nations like America and Europe Meiji goal was to make Japan equal to western powers Don’t wish for democracy but to unite Japan and bring modernization- based on German model of strong centralized gov’t Benefits of Meiji Everyone is equal/Women began working Education for everyone (idea from U.S) Advancements in technology and weapons (B. & G.) Industrialized
Japan and Nationalism Wished to create an empire to compete with the west 1876 forced Korea to trade at 3 ports 1894-95 Sino-Japanese War: fights China for influence over Korea, wins- gets Taiwan, part of Manchuria and Pescadores Islands 1904-1905 Russo-Japanese War 1st Asian victory over European power, gives control of Manchuria and Korea
Group Think Why do you think Russia’s defeat by Japan was seen as surprising to Western nations?
Control of Korea By 1910 complete control of Korea; annexed: adds territory Imposed harsh rule Forced the building of RRs and factories Improved farming methods but took ½ the crops Forced Koreans to fight for them Tried to suppress Korean Identity
Chart the EQ What were the similarities between European imperialism and Japanese expansion?
EQ: How did U.S. economic imperialism put economic and political pressure on Latin America?
Latin America- after independence Ruled mostly by caudillos (military dictators) Peonage: Owners kept Indian and mestizo workers (peons) in debt on haciendas by giving advances on wages and then they had to stay until they worked off the debt Main trade partners: Britain and U.S. Largely exported cash crops/raw materials, imported finished goods Had to borrow large sums of $ to provide services and build infrastructure Juan Vincent Gomez Caudillo- Venezuela
The Cuban Rebellions 1868 rebellion; ten years of fighting 1895: 2nd war for independence (led by Jose Marti)-Spanish use policy of reconcentration: kills 200,000 Cubans want U.S. to enter the fight, to ensure-Cubans destroy American sugar, -businesses pressure U.S. gov’t to act 1898 Cuba becomes a protectorate of the U.S.- “independence” 1901
“Colossus of the North” Monroe Doctrine1823: the U.S. would oppose efforts by any outside power to control a nation in the Western Hemisphere Roosevelt Corollary 1904: added to the Monroe Doctrine-stated that the U.S. wants to see it’s neighbors do well but if they engage in activities harmful to U.S. interests the U.S. will intervene to keep other nations in the world out Under Teddy intervention become common
Intervention: Panama Canal Buys rights from French (they were there 1st) for $40 million 1903- aid to Panamanian rebels fighting against Columbia for independence U.S. becomes protector; gets right to control and build the canal, we pay Panama $10 million and yrly pymts
Answer EQ How did U.S. economic imperialism put economic and political pressure on Latin America?
EQ: How did political, economic and social pressure trigger revolution and reform in Mexico?
Group Work Complete the activity given with your group
Create a Concept Web Answer the EQ: How did political, economic and social pressure trigger revolution and reform in Mexico?