CAPABILITIES WHAT IS A “CAPABILITY?” A combination of knowledge, skills and dispositions that enable people to act in the world. Are important indicators of what a person is able to do and be in different areas ( eg. Work, Civic and Community life)
“Capability” Meanings “Capability” (MD) - “the quality of being capable”, “ a quality that can be developed or used” “having the ability or quality necessary to do something “Capability” (COED) - “power or ability to do something” “Capable” means “having intelligence or ability, competent, efficient, able” SACE “A combination of the knowledge, skills and dispositions that enable people to act in and on the world.”
COMMUNICATION Communicating your learning Improving skills in using technologies for communication identifying goals, developing knowledge and skills, through interacting with teachers, parents, other experts Building communication skills through giving and receiving feedback/ mock interviews/ discussions Cross-cultural communication/appropriate language Communication with a range of people
CITIZENSHIP Factors that contribute to being productive member of a group Different kinds of work, social and community groups that contribute to the well being of society Contributing to community life sporting and recreational activities Volunteering caring for a family member Leaning about and understanding social and cultural backgrounds through interaction with others and community organisations Shared knowledge allows people to communicate, live and work together Global citizenship and what it involves.
LEARNING Strengthening literacy and numeracy skills Mapping current skills in relation to goals Thinking creatively to solve problems or develop ideas Using feedback on learning to identify areas for improvement and development Assessing personal and learning goals and strategies to achieve them Learning and developing new skills in planning and organisation Learning how to select, organise and use information that helps one plan to achieve goals Monitoring progress Identifying different ways of learning and demonstrating what learnt.
PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT Building self confidence, self-awareness and interpersonal and intrapersonal skills, eg resilience, resourcefulness, respect Showing initiative using creative abilities Exploring, understanding and making decisions about - strengths - areas for development Identifying different strategies to achieve goals Courses in -study skills -time management -physical activity/ nutrition - safety
WORK Exploring how this capability is relevant to their personal and learning goals. Planning for and participating in workplace learning Discussing and exploring their participation in paid and unpaid work Gaining workplace and employability skills Learning about skills appropriate to a particular role, position or career from employers and business people Making informed decisions about possible work opportunities and directions
Power point OR Interview OR Talk ACTIVITY 1. Get in groups of 3-4 Your group will ‘teach’ the class about the ‘capability’ you have been allocated Your PRESENTATION may be a: Power point OR Interview OR Talk The presentation MUST DEMONSTRATE: the features of the Capability: Knowledge, skills and dispositions the importance of the Capability in society the relevance of the Capability to an aspect of your present studies the relevance of the Capability to your future and beyond 2. Use the information provided from the presentations to construct a ‘MIND MAP’ to demonstrate your understanding of ALL capabilities.