Relevant Improvements Extension Pack 20170601-(4.4.6361.30578) Content Authomatic execution in Action Buttons in Forms Action Button: Update on Exit New Language: Polish Authentication and Redirection from ‘Login.aspx’ TS-NOTIFIER (Checks Login) in forms Buttons New methods in AuraportalFamilias Web Service Improved resolution of Web services with complex parameters Performance improvement Renaming of the function: Signing Integrated Documents
Automatic execution of Action Buttons in Forms Reference: CM-6453-EN-4473 New functionality that allows the automatic execution of Action Buttons in Forms With this new option, it is no longer necessary to 'Press' the Button to execute the Actions. Button Triggering occurs when the value of the field selected in the button setting changes: The Types of Field that can act as triggers are: Prefix, Relation 1, Date (Not Date-Time), Whole and Decimal number, One line and Multiple line text (Not Rich), Yes / No, Simple Selection and Multiple Selection. NOTE. The Field and Button must be visible on the same page. (Consult the full details in the KNW, Reference: CM-6453-EN-4573)
Action Button. Update on Exit Reference: CM-6402-EN-4478 New option to update the source page when exiting the form Until now, to update the page from which the form had been opened (generally the grid of tasks or own family), you had to use the combined Save and Exit button in the action bar. Now, with the new Update page on Exit option, from the Exit action in a form button, all combinations can be performed using the action button in the form, without having to resort to the action bar. (Consult the full details in the KNW, Reference: CM-6402-EN-4478)
Polish, Polski, Language in AuraPortal Reference: CM-6437-EN-4459 Polish language Polish (Polski) language available in all Portals. (Consult the full details in the KNW, Reference: CM-6437-EN-4459
Redirection from ‘Login.aspx’ Reference: CM-6419-EN-4571 New option to redirect from Login.aspx to an external authenticated page New option in the Credential Transmission options, which allows you to redirect to an external page with Employee or External user authentication, through the AP\Login.aspx page. An example of using this system is that, once the user has been authenticated, he can see a page with the conditions of use of AuraPortal (Disclaimer) and only open AuraPortal once he has accepted the conditions. In this case, the external page will have a user acceptance button with a redirection to AuraPortal, which will occur without re-requesting authentication. (Consult the full details in the KNW, Reference: CM-6419-EN-4571)
TS-NOTIFIER (Checks Login) in form Buttons Reference: CM-6428-EN-4592 Login can be checked now directly from the Form The NOTIFIER (Checks Login) System Task, is now also available from action buttons in forms. Up until now, it could only be executed by the BPM Motor as part of the process diagram. Besides, there is also a new check code for any case where the Login exists but it is inactive. This is the code -3. Result = -3 Inactive (The Login exists, but is is assigned to an Inactive User) (Consult the full details in the KNW, Reference: CM-6428-EN-4592)
New Methods in the AuraPortalFamilias Web Service References: CM-6450-EN-4585 y CM-6451-EN-4612 Two new methods in the AuraPortalFamilias Web Service: It looks for Accounts using part of the Fiscal ID code (CIF). Possible return codes are: The account ID, if the Fiscal ID exists. -1 : There is more than one match.. -2 : There is no match. -3 : Undefined Error. GetAccountIdByCIF Checks the validity of Guest Users considering the Login. Possible return codes are: +1 : Login exists and it is associated with an active Guest User. +2 : Correct Login and Password. -1 : Login not associated with any Guest User. -2 : Login associated with an inactive Guest User. -3 : Correct Login but incorrect Password. -4 : Undefined Error. AccessGuestUser (Consult the full details in the KNW, References: CM-6450-EN-4585 y CM-6451-EN-4612
TS-INVOKER (Invokes Web Services) Reference: CM-6458-EN-4624 Improved the INVOKER of Web Services System Task to resolve WSDL with complex parameters. With this improvement, the INVOKER System Task automatically connects with a greater number of Web Services with complex parameters, considerably increasing its capacity. (Consult the full details in the KNW, References: CM-6458-EN-4624)
OPTIMIZATION Performance improvements in the following cases: References: several Performance improvements in the following cases: The Email checking in the TS-NOTIFIER now works faster in all scenarios. The uploading of lines in Groups of Fields of the TS-UPLOADER is more effective, when improving the resolution of Conditions of the upload. Access to Monitoring queries is now faster. Saving changes to the Employee Record is now considerably faster. Creating SQL Views for Reporting in SharePoint 2013 is more efficient. The execution times of the MS SQL Execution Plans have improved considerably in some scenarios. Optimized access to the main configuration page of the Process class. (Consult the full details in the KNW, References: several)
TS-UPLOADER (Convert to PDF and Sign Integrated Documents) Reference: CM-6416-EN-4548 Renaming the function: Signing Integrated Documents Change of the name… Convert to PDF and Sign Integrated Documents This clarifies the function of the System Task used for this purpose, as it allows you to sign documents by converting them to PDF without the need to add a Stamp or Certificate. (Consult the full details in the KNW, Reference: CM-6416-EN-4548)
About Improvements in Extension Packs So far, we have seen the most relevant improvements in Extension Pack 20170601-(4.4.6361.30578), but there is a total of 54. You can see them all in the following document : All improvements in this Extension Pack To download this Extension Pack, follow the link below: ExtensionPack-20170601-(4.4.6361.30578) To access our Knowledge Base, follow the link below: Improvements of all Extension Packs
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