SCAR 2016 Standing Committee on Antarctic Geographic Information A. Haas Dr. Antonie Haas Alfred-Wegener-Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar- and Marine Research Germany
Overview WebGIS projects New Southern Ocean Marine Mammals Potter Cove King George Island Composite Gazetteer Map Catalogue
WebGIS projects Southern Ocean King George Island: Infrastructure data archived in PANGAEA Potter Cove: Data exchange plattform and data validation Marine Mammals: 350.000 locations 1996-2014 filter options and further plans
Marine Mammals WebGIS
Marine Mammals WebGIS
Composite Gazetteer WebGIS Service of German Features: Get access to all features in the AA Validation of name and position: AWI internal SCAR members in Germany
Map Catalogue: 1. Project with AWI library: Scanning of historical maps at AWI, maps of AA and Southern Ocean to Map Catalogue 2. BGR and University Dresden - handling of historical maps of AA
Thank you!