The 1 Rules of SUCCESS
ONE Achieve your goal and wear the crown RULE ONE Success Has A Different Meaning For All Achieve your goal and wear the crown
Our right to Success Work for it and get it When god made hands Rule one Our right to Success Work for it and get it When god made hands He gave us the ability to work
term; it has a different meaning for all, and, as Rule one Success is a relative term; it has a different meaning for all, and, as such, is measured and differently by all of us.
Success depends on planning and its execution, not luck. If Rule one Success depends on planning and its execution, not luck. If you Wait for luck to shine, it never will you will have to go and get it. Success requires its share of hard work and dedication; there are no short cuts, and it can also not be wished.
two The best platform to stand on are your own two feet RULE two Have faith in yourself The best platform to stand on are your own two feet
Rule TWO Believe You Can Succeed Conquer Your Fears The best hands to work with Are your own two hands
that you are better that what you think you are. Rule TWO Always remember that you are better that what you think you are. Failures are the stepping -stones to success for the wise; your belief in yourself is all that is important. Picture your success in your mind’s eye, plan and proceed
without climbing steps. Don't let fear of any kind Rule TWO Never be afraid of hard work. No one reaches top without climbing steps. Don't let fear of any kind stop you. Fear is not to be afraid of; it is to be worked at. Clear your mind of all negative thought and concentrate on your achievement. Make positive memory account. Do not allow any negative thoughts either about yourself or other people.
Don’t be afraid of dreaming big. Big dreams Rule TWO Don’t be afraid of dreaming big. Big dreams bring big results. You can’t plan a small house and build a palace
three If you do not change you will become obsolete RULE three Change. Learn and Improve If you do not change you will become obsolete
You can Change if YOU CHOOSE to Change If you do not change, Rule three You can Change if YOU CHOOSE to Change If you do not change, Life will change you, But not on your terms.
Change is the essence of life; it is inevitable and Rule three Change is the essence of life; it is inevitable and takes place every day. Make the most of it and always change for the better. Remember, no progress can take place without change, the better prepared you are the faster it will be. Resistance to change may, at times, provide a false sense of security but it will soon make you obsolete
Change is possible only with your determination Rule three Change is possible only with your determination and understanding of your problems and your willingness to change accordingly. It is you and only you who can make it happen. The difference between a loser and a winner is the difference in their willingness and readiness to change and improve. There can be no learning or improvement without change.
RULE four Identify your Goals Name it and Claim it
Be specific about your aim Know What You Want Rule four Be specific about your aim Know What You Want A journey to no where Will take you no where
Goals are essential for success. Setting a goal is Rule four Goals are essential for success. Setting a goal is an essential part of our planning Goals should be in accordance with your inner desires and aspirations. They have to be in conformity with your inner self Always aim high. You will reach the height of our sight. Setting goals earl in life saves time and energy. you should try and set your goals as early as possible
Goals need to be planned and executed Rule four Goals need to be planned and executed with dedication and hard work. You have to be focused on your goals to attain your significant success. Setting target helps us in realizing our goals more easily
RULE five Take Challenges Failures are lessons on our way to success
Be prepared to fail Take enough risk Success is a challenge well met Rule five Be prepared to fail Take enough risk Success is a challenge well met The number of attempts does not count
Taking risk is an essential to success, Rule five Taking risk is an essential to success, the more you take the better chances of success you have
It is better to attempt and fail then not to try at Rule five It is better to attempt and fail then not to try at all. When you make an attempt you have a chance, when you don’t you have no chance at all. When you learn from failures they pave a way to success. The best time to take risk is when your heart tells you
Take failure as a challenge and treat it as a, Rule five Take failure as a challenge and treat it as a, mistake an error, and a lesson and you will not be afraid of it. Above all, always remember, taking a risk is no risk at all, it is an opportunity you give yourself. Take it.
RULE six Conquer Your Limits If you can’t run use a bike
Turn Minus into Plus Convert Loss into Gain Rule six Turn Minus into Plus Convert Loss into Gain The wise will turn the tide The fool will drown
Always know that it is only man who has this unique power to turn Rule six Always know that it is only man who has this unique power to turn his weaknesses into strength. If you do not set any limits on yourself you won’t have any.
Harnessing your profits is no big deal; Rule six Harnessing your profits is no big deal; anyone can do it. Turning losses into profits is what makes you a winner Finally, nothing is impossible to the determined man
RULE seven Take Initiative To run you have to stand first
Act. Get Going Get started If you do not tell your feet to run Rule Seven Act. Get Going Get started If you do not tell your feet to run They won’t
Be a man of action; do not hesitate to take Rule Seven Be a man of action; do not hesitate to take the first step. Every ‘end’ has to have a ‘beginning’. If you want to be a leader take the first step and start moving. Do today what you plan for tomorrow and see how it works wonder
A good idea has no meaning unless it has been Rule Seven A good idea has no meaning unless it has been acted upon. It is better to build a small cottage than to build castles. The worst enemy of initiative is lack of Courage and getting started is the best way to overcome it.
Eight When you accept yourself the world accept you Accept Yourself RULE Eight Accept Yourself When you accept yourself the world accept you
Build Self Esteem Not a swollen Head Rule eight Build Self Esteem Not a swollen Head A swollen head is like being obese, It shows how sick you are.
Always have a high regard for yourself . Rule eight Always have a high regard for yourself . Do not be arrogant with a swollen head. Have a healthy regard for what you are. Having self-esteem is knowing your truth and honoring it. It is knowing that you are unique in this world.
Never try to be what you are not. It will bring pain not pleasure Rule eight Never try to be what you are not. It will bring pain not pleasure Looking for praise and acceptance from others should not affect your choices. Outside forces can never satisfy inner needs. when you respect yourself less you look at others to accept you , but always remember, no one can Respect you more then you do yourself.
nine If you honor your commitments they will honor you Be Disciplined RULE nine Be Disciplined If you honor your commitments they will honor you
Honor your Commitments Be in control of yourself Rule Nine Honor your Commitments Be in control of yourself He who is his own master Has no master
You cannot achieve anything significant if life till you are committed Rule nine You cannot achieve anything significant if life till you are committed to your work. To be committed to your Work you have to be disciplined. To be disciplined you have to have your goal set in accordance with your values and be focused on them .
You should respect yourself and your work enough so as Rule nine You should respect yourself and your work enough so as not to be distracted by other temptation.
ten When the responsibility is yours, the credit too is yours RULE ten Be Accountable When the responsibility is yours, the credit too is yours
Take charge of your life Rule ten Take charge of your life Do not let others, or circumstances, control you The hand that holds the strings, Controls the swing
Always know that your life is your life and no one else is accountable Rule ten Always know that your life is your life and no one else is accountable for it. Never play the victim; it never helps . Even if you were a victim as child try to come out of your past and move ahead. This is only way to get out of the evil grip.
Analyze your past situation and see how you Rule ten Analyze your past situation and see how you could be responsible for what happened and how you can change for the future. It is up to understand your role in your life and Work on it. When you have your life in your to success.
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