Donald T Anderson Jr Mercury Marine Mechanism Clearance Check with Spatial Field Point Reporting Between Multiple Moving Parts and or Assemblies Donald T Anderson Jr Mercury Marine
Uses for Clearance Check Analysis For developing shrouds or cowling for moving parts Tolerance Stack-Up Reporting
What we are able to do today! Today you can create an analysis and report measures in a graph and export then to Excel You can create Datum Point Trace Curves You can create Motion Envelopes Spatial report between 2 components that are in one position.
What we are Not Able to Do Today! Put a 2 colored plot in the part files on the surfaces of multiple parts moved thru multiple positions showing where the boundaries for a specific amount of clearance need to be.
Software Enhancement Request Mechanism Clearance Check with Spatial Field Point Report Requirements Fully automated analysis functionality w/ reports saved to files. Save 2 color shaded plot in part files. Be able to report across multiple parts and assemblies.
Video of Front Suspension Movement See how the clearance changes between the tire and the fairing on the front of the bike. As you steer back and forth and as the suspension for the front wheel is compressed the clearance between the wheel and the fairing becomes less and less. Wouldn’t it be nice to show on the styled parts where the clearance is less than a certain value and how much material needs to be removed related to the for and tire movement?
Currently Available to Us Today – Graph and Excel Report The images above show current Graph and Excel reporting functionality. They do not show where on the model material needs to be removed.
Clearance with Suspension Compressed and Turned (only one position or state of bike can be reported today) This is a field point plot of just one static state of the front fork fully steered to one side and the suspension fully compressed. The yellow highlighted area represents material that would need to be removed in order to maintain 65mm clearance between the tire and the body of the bike. This currently can not be driven or fully reported with in mechanism.
This is what the enhancement would provide (all states and positions taken into account for clearance measurements displayed) The enhancement request / Product Idea would allow you to run a full motion analysis and report in the parts where on the part(s) the clearance is less than the amount specified in the analysis by highlighting the surfaces in yellow. This would allow you to open the parts and see what material needs to be removed from the parts. As you can see the yellow highlighted surfaces need to be cut back to maintain an minimum 65mm clearance from the tire to the body panels.