英语教学课件 高二(下).


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Presentation transcript:

英语教学课件 高二(下)

Unit 4 Films and film events Project

Writing a film review

Answer these questions 1. Have you ever read the Harry Potter books or seen the Harry Potter films? 2. Which character in these do you like best? Why? 3. Have you seen the film Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone? If so, What do you think of it?

the author of Harry Potter J K Rowling

the director of Harry Potter Mike Newell

Harry Potter/Daniel Radcliffe

Hagrid/Rollie Coltrane

Ron Weasley/Rupert Grint

Hermione Granger/ Emma Watson

Professor Snape /Alan Rikman

Headmaster Dumbledore /Richard Harris

Professor Mcgonagall /Maggie Smith

How is this reading passage organized? Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 (Paragraphs 1-3) brief introduction of the film’s plot (Paragraphs 4 – 5) the writer’s commentary on the special effects and acting in the film (Paragraphs 6-7) complains of the film (Paragraph 8) the recommendation of the writer

Find detailed information to complete the following table Main characters Information about the character Harry Potter a sensitive young boy whose parents, a wizard and a witch, were killed by an evil wizard when Harry was a baby;

Main characters Information about the character Harry Potter living with his relatives, the Dursleys, and abused, ignored and hated by them; having the magical powers of a wizard and a reputation in the world of witches and wizards because of his parents.

Main characters Played by Harry Potter Daniel Radcliffe

Main characters Information about the character Played by Hagrid a very large person who works at Hogwarts and rescues Harry from the Dursleys and takes him to the school Robbie Coltrane

Harry’s friend and schoolmate Rupert Grint Main characters Information about the character Played by Ron Weasley Hermione Granger Voldemort Harry’s friend and schoolmate Rupert Grint Harry’s friend and schoolmate Emma Eatson the evil wizard who killed Harry’s parents

Read the text and answer these questions. 1. Was Harry Potter’s parents killed in a car crash? No they weren’t. They were killed by Voldemort. 2. What does the writer think about the three young actors? They do very well even compared with the experienced adult actors.

3. What is the complaint many people have made about the film? The film is too long. At 142 minutes, it is almost a half hour longer than an average film. Many people also complain that the film has a tendency to spend too much time showing Harry’s life With the Durslery.

4. What problem does the writer think the film has? The writer feel too much time is dedicated in showing the sport in Quidditch and several interesting scenes were deleted from the film. 5. Does the writer recommend the film? Yes, he/she does.

Part B Work in groups of four and discuss the questions in Part B. One of you in each group should write down the answers to questions 6-8. First choose a film to review. Assign different jobs to each group member.

Language Points Who has not dreamt of suddenly finding out that he or she is actually someone special and famous? dream  verb [I] dreamed or dreamt, dreamed or dreamt 梦想 I dream of living on a tropical island. He never dreamed that one day he would become President.

2. Harry, a sensitive young boy, has been living with his relatives. (P62) sensitive adjective 灵敏的,敏感的 sensitive skin Some people’s teeth are highly sensitive to cold. 相关短语: be sensitive to 对…… 敏感 be sensitive about 介意,在乎

3. Much of this early part of the film could have been skipped and more time could have been spent at Hogwarts. (P63) “情态动词+have+过去分词”是很重要的 一种句型,除should外,may, might, must, couldn’t, needn’t, ought to等都可以用于这 一句型,但要注意, 使用不同的情态动词, 句子的意思就有所不同。表示对已发生的 事情进行推测, 就表示的可能性程度而言, must最大,could其次,may更次之,might 最小。

could + have done 表示“本来有能力做而实 际上没有做”。 I could have won if I hadn’t fallen over. must + have done 表示对过去情况的推测, 只用于肯定句,意思是“一定……”。 Her eyes were red, she must have been crying. can (could) + have done表示对过去情况的 推测,只用于否定和疑问句中,意为“一定 没有……,一定不会……”。用 could 比用

can 语气更加委婉些。 He couldn’t have gone to bed, you see, the light in his room is still on. should (ought to) + have done  表示“本来 应该做而实际上没做”,其否定式则表示 “本来不该做而实际上做了”,常含有责备 的语气。 You should have been here five minutes ago. How I regretted the days when I had played and should have studied.

needn’t + have done 表示“本来不必做的事,实际上做过了。” I got up early, but needn’t have done so, because I had nothing to do that morning. would like to have done 表示“本来希望做而却未做的事”。 I’d like to have gone to college.

Homework 1. Read the film review in Part A on page 130 of the Workbook. 2. Write a film review according to the notes in Part B on the same page. 3. Review what you have learnt in this unit.