The AFFORDABLE CARE ACT vs. AHCA (The American Health Care Act)
Is The ACA Really Imploding? Part 5: Is The ACA Really Imploding?
Is the ACA Imploding? “I’ve been saying for the last year and a half that the best thing we can do, politically speaking, is let Obamacare explode. It is exploding now.” Donald J. Trump, March 24, 2017
Is the ACA in a “Death Spiral” ?
What is a Death Spiral?
The ACA is Not in a Death Spiral Source: Sullivan, Peter, Is healthcare law really going into a ‘death spiral’?. The Hill January 24, 2017 Source: Levitt, Larry, Journal of the American Medical Association , JAMA Forum : Affordable Care Act Imploding , April 17, 2017
The ACA is Not in a Death Spiral Source: Sullivan, Peter, Is healthcare law really going into a ‘death spiral’?. The Hill January 24, 2017 Source: Levitt, Larry, Journal of the American Medical Association , JAMA Forum : Affordable Care Act Imploding , April 17, 2017 Source: Politifact, Obama: No premium hike for 'vast majority' covered on government exchanges, March 23, 2017
The ACA is Not in a Death Spiral Source: Politifact, Obama: No premium hike for 'vast majority' covered on government exchanges, March 23, 2017 APTC = Advanced Premium Tax Credit (Subsidy for Americans on the ACA Who purchase Coverage on the Exchange
The ACA is Not in a Death Spiral Source: Sullivan, Peter, Is healthcare law really going into a ‘death spiral’?. The Hill January 24, 2017 Source: Levitt, Larry, Journal of the American Medical Association , JAMA Forum : Affordable Care Act Imploding , April 17, 2017
The ACA is Not in a Death Spiral
The ACA is Not in a Death Spiral Source: Levitt, Larry, Journal of the American Medical Association , JAMA Forum : Affordable Care Act Imploding , April 17, 2017
Congress and the President Can Start a Death Spiral Source: Levitt, Larry, Journal of the American Medical Association , JAMA Forum : Affordable Care Act Imploding , April 17, 2017
Congress and the President Can Start a Death Spiral Source: Levitt, Larry, Journal of the American Medical Association , JAMA Forum : Affordable Care Act Imploding , April 17, 2017