PMD Group Meeting 23/01/06 CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development
PMD Group Meeting 20/01/06 Structure & Staff Movements in 2005 Highlights of 2005 Structure for 2006 Main objectives for 2006 PMD MAPS schedule for 2006 Next group meeting / events Questions CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development
Structure & Staff Movements in 2005 4 Sections: ATT, MCL, CR & RCC + Apprentice activity directly attached to GL Staff Movements: Arrivals: Caroline & Nathalie (IS->LS), Georgina, Lisette, Clementine, Carmen, Bjorn (partially in transition mode) Departures: Saranne, Ricarda, Mick Change of function & section: Martine, Linda CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development
Training Highlights of 2005 1/4 Training Committee planning, running and follow-up of CERN-wide committees: ATC (Academic Training Committee): 3 meetings JTB (Joint Training Board): 8 meetings TEC (Technical Executive Committee) link between Departmental Training Officers + HR-PMD: 4 meetings Training Administration software numerous discussions with IT-AIS for the specifications for development and testing of CTA2. Production 11/05. CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development
Training Highlights of 2005 2/4 Academic Training: 20 lecture series with lecture material available world-wide from CERN document server Technical Training: 172 sessions, 1114 participants + 4 Technical Training tutorials ECDL pilot: 7 ECDL Start certifications for PH & used for several LS selection boards Follow-up of training objectives formulated via eMAPS to target potential participants about relevant training Administrative and technical support for 35 Safety Training sessions CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development
Training Highlights of 2005 3/4 Management & Communication Training: 30 courses, 44 sessions, 347 participants Completion of CDP GL campaign and launch of CDP supervisor training (MAPS+) Selection of and discussion with new trainers & presentation of the proposed revised programme to E. Chiaveri, JTB + TEC September : New look M&C programme & web pages launched with 3 new courses : Time management Service orientation Leadership + the opening of “Bridge Building” to all Staff Members CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development
Training Highlights of 2005 4/4 Language Training: 16 courses, 68 sessions, 564 participants Initial placement followed by progress testing carried out with progress reporting to participants, supervisors and DTO’s Beginners French course during summer: 2 sessions, 26 participants Language tests prepared for testing language skills at selection boards Extension of contract with Paroles for a further 2 years to 2007 CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development
Apprentice Programme highlights of 2005 First year of running of CERN’s technical & administrative apprentice programme without former “experts” (RG, LvC) involving: recruitment (7 technical + 3 admin) induction follow-up selecting placements training revision and preparation for exams theoretical and practical tests liaising with apprentices and when necessary parents Review of internal procedures including creation of an electronic archive Preparation for future of programme: 6 or 7 technical recruits, 2 or 3 library recruits, no more employe de commerce recruits Preparation of SG-DSU-ETT for responsibility of library apprentices as of 2006 CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development
Classification & Remuneration Highlights of 2005 Participation in the salary and career structure related aspects of 5 yearly review Introduction of e-MAPS + participation in future changes (6/8 of which accepted) Launching, running and reporting of CERN-wide advancement. Proposed changes for the future schedule Participation in TEACC, Senior Staff promotion including Responsibility Allowance analysis, Salary Band and Career Path work and deferred/refused steps STI soft skills competency model for recruitment, training and appraisal in collaboration with PMD-MCL Handling of 62 Staff Kids CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development
Recruitment, Coordination & Contracts Highlights of 2005 1/2 Organisation of 301 Selection Boards Recruitment, contract follow-up, probation, contract renewal/termination, LD->FT, advancement, counseling … 5YR: participation in Recruitment & Retention, LS Implementation, Family Definition & Creche studies and data collection Outreach events in Norway, Sweden, Spain, Germany, Switzerland (Lausanne & Yverdon) CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development
Recruitment, Coordination & Contracts Highlights of 2005 2/2 Discussion on New Contract Policy & AC2 eMAPS chasing, corrections of advancement proposals, quality control Role of HRC discussions & presentation to HR Department Head Discussions with IT-AIS + HR-OPS for Mid & End probation PAF & Selection PAF E-RT improvement and web information on recruitment Main Interview room 5-1-001 refurbished CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development
Structure for 2006 3 Sections: MCL, CR & RCC Apprentice programme & Technical Training directly attached to GL CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development
PMD Main objectives for 2006 1/3 Training: Completion, distribution & CERN-wide implementation of JTB training recommendations Training: Full use of CTA2 functionality across all programmes Training: Review to prepare for the future following changes in 2005 (Academic & Safety Training), departures & future retirements Training: Complete office moves CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development
PMD Main objectives for 2006 2/3 Apprentice Programme: Continue streamlining & Improving of procedures where possible e.g. recruitment Apprentice Programme: Increase contacts with technical departments for future placements CR: Implement new advancement schedule in collaboration with HRCs CR: Develop soft skills competency model in collaboration with MCL CR: Integrate Bjorn within team CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development
PMD Main objectives for 2006 3/3 RCC: Implementation of new Contract Policy & LD review procedure RCC: Participation in compressed advancement schedule RCC: Integrate Cecile & new HRC recruit & adapt to the other changes in the team RCC: Participate in numerous recruitment outreach events RCC, CR & Training: 5YR Implementation preparation CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development
PMD MAPS schedule for 2006 Sue: Pierre, Frank, Sudeshna, Jean-Marc, Davide, Monique Pierre: Peter, Bjorn, Sara Frank/Sue: Seamus, Andrzej, Louise, Lore, Georgina, Lisette, Linda, Clementine, Cecile Sudeshna: Andree, Francoise, Ulrich, Nathalie Georgina: Joane, Virginie, Martine, Caroline, Carmen Interviews by 15/03, Supervisor assessment by 31/03, GL assessment by 15/04, SM comments by 30/04, back to SM 15/07 CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development
Future PMD activites Visit e.g. ATLAS ? PMD participation in relay race ? (6 volunteers needed) Group meeting before summer with participations from different areas of the group as in 2005 (Frank is not on the picture on the next slide but was also one of the presenters…..) CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development
CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development
? Your questions CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development