Your booth is the perfect place for customers and products to see your new products and talk to the experts behind them… your technical staff. Qualified leads from shows take 30% less time to close – so you can close more sales in less time.
75% of 2013 said they plan to buy new products they saw, or from new suppliers they met, at the last MCEE. Setting clear objectives and specific sales tactics will help you get more qualified leads at the show and then transform those leads into sales.
Here are six ways to increase your return-on-investment at MCEE.
#1 Every person working in your booth should be able to answer 4 important questions about your company and products…
Put your answers to these questions in writing and share them with everyone who will be working in your booth. 1. Our products are used by: 2. Who need/want: 3. Our products are special/better than the competitor’s because: 4. The #1 benefit of our product is:
Follow the THREE MINUTE RULE #2 Follow the THREE MINUTE RULE To make the best use of your time at the show, learn now to qualify a new lead in just 3 minutes. Use specific opening comments to get the conversation that leads directly into a discussion of your company or products. For example: Say : “Are you familiar with our new xyz product?” Or say: “Have you ever used (product name)?” Don’t say: “Hi, how are you today”.
#3 Don’t Classify, QUALIFY Here’s what you get when you classify a lead: Name Company Company type Phone Fax In other words, business card details. That’s a start, but to convert to a sale, you need a lot more…
Qualifying brings you closer to a sale. Sample qualifying questions: Do you have plans to buy a new (product type) in the next few months? When would be a good time for us to follow up with you? Is there anyone else in your company that is involved in selecting/purchasing products who I should contact?” How many widgets do you sell/install annually? (Or another question to give you an idea of the potential volume of their business.)
If you use the computerized lead retrieval system at the show, you will receive a list of the visitors whose badges you scanned. Information will include: Complete contact details for each person Company type Purchasing authority Annual purchasing power of the company
#4 #6 Give-aways and premiums They can be expensive. Don’t display expensive items where everyone can see them. Save them for good customers and qualified prospects. Keep them accessible, but out of sight so that you can give them to the visitors who buy from you now, or may buy from you tomorrow. Build your booth traffic: Send a pre-show invitation to key customers and prospects inviting them to visitor your booth at the show where they can learn about your new product (s), AND pick up a free gift.
#5 Dealing with tire-kickers Thank them for stopping by and move on to qualified prospects. You can politely disengage by saying something like: “Well I’m sure you want to see the rest of the show… thanks for stopping by”. An inexpensive gift can help encourage visitors who will not buy your products to move along, but still feel goodwill toward your company. “And here’s your free pen.”
#6 Follow up, follow up, follow up… Follow up with leads within 10 days of the show and you’ll be ahead of 90% of your competition.
Thank you for exhibiting in MCEE 2017 We appreciate your business – and are committed to helping you have a successful and profitable show experience.