Anemia and its relationship with socio-demographic data and dietary habits in young Emirati athletes Seham M. AlRaish1, Amjad Jarrar1, Tarek Mehi2, Carine Platat1. 1Nutrition and Health Department, College of Food and Agriculture, UAE University, Al Ain 2Al Jazira Academic Sports Club, Abu Dhabi Email: Parameter Mean ±s.d or % (n=27) Normal Range Glucose (mg/dL) >109 mg/dl (%) <60 mg/dl (%) 80.46±10.62 (57.60-100.80 ) 0.00 22.20 60.00 – 109.00 WBC (cells/mcL) >4000.00 cells/mcL (%) <11000.00 cells/mcL (%) 5530.00±133.00 (2.24-8.53 ) 11.11 4000.00 – 11000.00 RBC (million cells/mcL) >6.10 million cells/mcL (%) <4.70 million cells/mcL (%) 5.29±0.37 (4.68-5.88 ) 7.40 4.70 - 6.10 HgB (gm/dL) >18.00 gm/dL (%) <14.00 gm/dL (%) 14.39±1.03 (12.20-16.30 ) 33.33 14.00 – 18.00 Results: Introduction: 0.84±0.32 Processed meats(SUSAGE) An appropriate diet is crucial for performance development and recovery in athletes. An insufficient nutrient intake diet can lead to health disorders like anemia. Anemia, which is defined as a low level of Hemoglobin in the blood and low volume of red blood cells, Anemia is common in athletes, especially in those performing endurance exercise, and can lead to severe consequences, especially in young individuals and it is associated with decreased athletic performance as well as limited concentration. So far, there is no data in young Emirati athletes on anemia, its prevalence and related factors. 1.58±0.32 2.01±0.6 Most frequently consumed was pasta with bashmel Aim: 33.33% low HgB HcT and MCV are at the inferior limit of the normal range no significant relationship between neither HgB, HcT nor MCV with meat consumption cereal Group and HgB (P-value=0.01) Athlete's mother education level and Meat group (P-value<0.01) To determine the prevalence of anemia in young Emirati athletes and to identify related factors. Methodology: Conclusions: The implication of this finding is that some athletes are considered to have anemia, low blood results then it is desirable for soccer players, this may be related to a poor dietary iron intake. A cross-sectional study was conducted. 59 male soccer players aged from 13 to18 years were recruited from Al Jazira Academic sports clubs in the United Arab Emirates Blood tests results were obtained from the medical file of each participant, which include a complete blood count (CBC) among which the level of Hemoglobin (HgB), Hematocrit(HcT), and Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV). Socio- demographic data were collected by using a questionnaire. Dietary habits were assessed with a food frequency questionnaire. Both questionnaires were administered in groups under the supervision of a trained interviewer. The software SPSS version 23 was used to conduct data analysis. Data are described as mean ± s.d. or percentage (%) as appropriate. Acknowledgment : This work done as a part of thesis for Environmental master degree in UAEU – Collage of Science. We would Thanks both Mr. Amjed and Mr. Tariq for their collaboration references: •Hoosen, F. (2013). The nutritional profile of high-performance junior soccer players in Western Cape, South Africa (Doctoral dissertation, Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University). •Leger, L. A., Mercier, D., Gadoury, C., & Lambert, J. (1988). The multistage 20 metre shuttle run test for aerobic fitness. Journal of sports sciences, 6(2), 93-101. •Waly, M. I., Kilani, H. A., & Al-Busafi, M. S. (2013). Nutritional Practices of Athletes in Oman: A Descriptive Study. Oman medical journal, 28(5), 360.