What is the geography of Arabia like? Essential Question What is the geography of Arabia like?
Instructions Anything written in yellow (SLOW down and pay attention) is useful information. You should write it in your notes IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Anything in red (STOP and pay close attention) is critical information and should be copied exactly. Anything in green (GO on to the next point) you do not have to write. In this unit we’ll be discussing the civilizations of Arabia, ultimately focusing on the Empire of Islam. This is our first unit taking place outside of Europe. Exciting! Here’s a quick preview.
Arabia and the Empire of Islam Arabia is a desert nation to the east of Europe. We are going back in time to about the year 500 to start this unit. We will overlap with many of the things we’ve talked about already. Arabia and the Empire of Islam
Why? This empire was able to defeat Constantinople. They were able to create an empire out of a desert. Islam is in the news almost every day. So, why do we study Arabia? Well, interestingly, the empire that grew here was the one that finally was able to conquer Constantinople after it had survived over 1000 years. Also, they were able to build their incredible empire in the middle of a huge desert. This is a big deal to us in California, and especially here in Riverside. We live in a desert ourselves! Finally, Islam and Arabia are in the news almost every day. Whether it is problems in israel, iraq, or afghanistan, there is always something lately. The more we know about arabian history, the more we can understand today’s events.
So, we have to ask one question… Who are these people? So, we have to ask just one question. <pause> Wow, that was scary.
Geography The first highway of history we’ll look at is geography, as usual.
Geography, remember, is the study of the land Geography, remember, is the study of the land. At its height the Islamic Empire covered parts of Europe, Africa and Asia. It kind of took the place of the roman empire and conquered many of the lands that used to be subject to Rome. The empire was huge!
Geography It is hot! Much of Arabia is desert. It gets up to 130 degrees in Iraq! Water is often very hard to get. It is hot! Again, it is particularly amazing that they built this empire pretty much in the desert. As they grew, they conquered better areas for farming but the heart of the empire remained in the desert. It is, of course, very hot there. In iraq, for example, it reaches up to 130 degrees! Think about the soldiers who are fighting there right now, in full, heavy gear. They are going through tough times just for us. They are pretty awesome. Also, because it is a desert, water is very hard to get. Survival anywhere is about water. In the desert, it is even more precious. <pause> Oh yeah, time to get my groove on!
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What you do to solve the problems of heat and lack of water? What would you do? What you do to solve the problems of heat and lack of water?
Water Sources Survival depended on finding water and food. 2 main rivers: Tigress, Euphrates Water for most groups was found in oases (small springs in the desert.) There are two major rivers that run through arabia. The tigris and the euphrates. These 2 rivers, while large, are in the northern part of arabia and don’t provide water to most arabians. Most people in Arabia got their water from an oasis, which is a small spring of water in the desert.
Ya? So what? Because of the heat and limited water, many Arabs were nomads. Nomad – someone who moves around often. They would find an oasis, set up camp for a short time and then move everything they had. Eventually they built towns at these oases. The heat and limited water forced the arab tribes to become nomadic. They couldn’t stay in one place for a very long time. A nomad, then, is someone who moves around often. In the case of arabs they moved to find water. Basically, they would find an oasis, camp there for awhile until it was used up, then pack up everything and move to the next oasis. Imagine packing up your entire house and family and moving every month! It was a very harsh life.
Society The next highway is society where we will look more closely at Islam.
“People of the Book” Christianity Judaism Islam Jesus is executed, dies for the sins of man and then is resurrected. Jesus Christ born the Son of God Christianity Today Creation: The Beginning Abraham has two sons Isaac and Ishmael Jesus is executed for claiming to be God. his body is stolen out of the tomb. Muhammad claims to be last prophet, Islam begins Ishmael leaves Isreal and becomes “Father” of Muslims Judaism The beginning abraham Some guy who looks like Jesus is executed. Jesus Christ born Islam
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1 3-2- 3- 2- 1- Complete the following 3-2-1 Summary Main monotheistic faiths 3-2-1 (you tube gameshow or movie countdown clip) Beliefs of Christianity Way Islam differs from Christianity