TEST DATE: THURSDAY, MARCH 21ST PSYCH UNIT 1 & 2 TEST TEST DATE: THURSDAY, MARCH 21ST Quiz Topics (Small portion of test) Research Methods (Scientific Method, Experimental Design, Types of Research Methods) Ethics (Human and Animal Ethical Principles in Psychology)
Ongoing themes…key is making CONNECTIONS!
What is the main difference between a PSYCHOLOGIST and a PSYCHIATRIST?
What are the five perspectives of psychology? Biological Sociocultural (social psych) Psychodynamic Cognitive Learning/Behaviorism
Two Influential Movements Feministic Humanistic Two Influential Movements
Influential people in psychology Ivan Pavlov John Watson Wilhelm Wundt Sigmund Freud David Reimer Phineus Cage B.F. Skinner Walter Freeman Oliver Sacks
The three categories of research methods are…
UNIT 2 – Research Methods Three categories of research methods: Descriptive Correlational Study Observational UNIT 2 – Research Methods
Types of Research Methods Case Study Survey Questionnaire Tests Experiments (scientific method and experimental design) Laboratory Observation Naturalistic Observation Correlational Studies Types of Research Methods
Correlational Study Positive Correlation (both in same direction) Negative Correlation (opposite direction) No Correlation Correlational Study
Experimental Design
5 STEPS The Idea State and Define the Variables Theory/Hypothesis State and Define the Variables Independent/Dependent Choose and assign subjects Experimental Condition Control Condition Run the study Single Blind and Double Blind (GREEN ARTICLE) Interpret the data Descriptive or Inferential Quantitative or Qualitative 5 STEPS
A theory is a well-defined, logically organized set of ideas that describes and explains relationships between certain events. Theories aid in the development of a hypothesis which is a specific, testable prediction about what you expect to happen in your study. Generally it tries to answer questions related to “how” and “why” things are the way they are. _____Evolutionary psych suggests that men and women have evolved different approaches to mating 1. Theory VS Hypothesis
STATE AND DEFINE VARIABLES Independent Variables: the variables in your study that are MANIPULATED by the experimenter. This variable will change in quality or quantity according to the wishes of the experimenter. Dependent Variables: the variables that do or do not change as RESULT of manipulation of the independent variables. These are the actual observed, scored, or measured outcomes of the study. You give different drugs____ to see the effect on pain____. STATE AND DEFINE VARIABLES
Experimental Condition: This is the group of subjects who will be exposed to your manipulation of the independent variable. Control Condition: This is the group of subjects who undergo the exact same experimental procedures as the experimental condition, except the independent variable is not manipulated. The control condition is sometimes considered to be the “placebo” or “sugar pill” group. We are testing to see if Tylenol gets rid of a head aches. We give group A a Tylenol and tell group A they are going to swallow the pill and see if it remedies the pain____. We give group B a fake Tylenol “placebo” but tell and tell them it is Tylenol & they are going to swallow the pill and see if it remedies the pain____. ASSIGN SUBJECTS
4. Run the Study – Green Article Single Blind – experimenter knows who is in what group Double Blind – no one knows (randomly assigned, ex. Unlabeled bottles, pills, etc.) We are running an experiment to test is people can tell the difference between Pepsi Cola and Coca Cola. The experimenter is given two bottles that are unlabeled to administer to one of the subjects. The subject themselves also can not see which brand is which.____ 4. Run the Study – Green Article
Descriptive: these statistics summarize data (graphs, tables, averages) Inferential: these statistics allow researchers to make conclusions about the data collected in the study. They may state their findings in a concluding statement. INTERPRET DATA
Qualitative VS Quantitative
ETHICS 5 PRINCIPLES ANIMAL EXPERIMENTION - ARTICLE Make connections to the case studies, experiments, etc. that we have been looking at in class. ANIMAL EXPERIMENTION - ARTICLE Top 10 Unethical Experiments! ETHICS
Animal Experimentation PROS: Reason for the life expectancy humans have today Medical advancements Cures CONS: Animals may be harmed or may suffer psychological harm Won’t have a “normal” life Animal Experimentation
Based on your experiences from all period day what are the connections between homelessness and mental health/illness? How does this link to ongoing themes in this course? Nature vs Nurture? Give me a child and I will shape him into anything Learning and behaviorism (the effects of ones environment) Classical conditioning - -learned helplessness? Biological – mental disorders (bipolar, schizophrenia) Homelessness